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A Karimi Zarchi , K Holakouie Naieni ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

Sulfur mustard is the most widely used chemical agent in the Iran-Iraq war .In a retrospective cohort study of 1337 soldiers with a history of sulfur mustard exposure, factors such as age, smoking habits, number of exposure episodes and the use of gas masks were determined, together with an assessment of their relationship with the occurrence of long-term pulmonary complications. The models suggested by Szklo,BresIow & Kahn were used to determine rates, rate ratios and confidence intervals. The mean age of the victims was 25.5 years (standard deviation = 9.1 years), and more than 96% had experienced only one exposure episode.
15.1% were cigarette smokers, and the majority (94.5%) had used protective gas masks at the time of exposure.
Cumulative incidence of lung complications was 31.6% the lowest rate was noted during the first year of follow-up (7.5/10000), and the highest in the 7th year (769/10000). Estimated rate ratios with 95% confidence intervals for various age groups were as follows: 1.12 (0.88-1.46) for those aged 21-25 years, 1.49 (1.1-2.01) for ages 26-30, 1.7 (1.2-2.4) forages 31-35, and 2.09 (1.55-2.77) for subjects aged 36 and above. Rate ratios with regard to other factors, i.e. more frequent versus single exposure, smoking vs non-smoking and unprotected exposure vs protective mask use were 0.69 (0.42-1.12), 1.08 (0.80-1.45) and 3.04 (2.20-4.20) respectively. Therefore, the estimated rale ratios were significant only for three out of four age groups and for those who had not worn gas masks (p<0.05). Therefore gas mask and age groups of veterans must be considered in assessing the potential consequences of a chemical attack.

F Yosefi Majd , H Eftekhar Ardabili , F Akbari Haghighi , H Zerati ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

The Intrauterine device (IUD) is very effective in preventing pregnancy, it is the cheapestform of birth control in the long run, allows almost immediate return to normal life andwork, and it can be used as an alternative to hormonal methods of emergencycontraception.This study was designed to assess factors causing IUD iscontinuation. It is a cross-sectional study among 343 women in Urmia in 2001 who had had lUD'splanted back in 1998.Within 3 years, more than 50 percent had theirlUD's removed. The 1-year IUD survivalrate was 62 percent and the 3-year rate about 42 percent.54.5 percent of users had at least one complication (P=0.000). The main complications were: Bleeding 28.7% , Pain 27.3% and Infection 18.5%.In cases where the device was planted by a midwife, the overall removal rate was 62.5%(p= 0.009). Pregnancy rate was 0.49% per 100 woman - year and the IUD expulsion ratewas 6.5%o.Bleeding is clearly the most common complication. If cases are chosen more carefully, the effective life of device will probably increase.
H Pour Moghadas ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

Ground water is considered as a valuable resource for drinking, agricultural, and industrial uses. As human activities are known to affect water quality, studies of this source are necessary to maintain quality standards. Despite heavy agricultural and industrial activity in the Lenjanat region (Isfahan), there has been no evaluation of ground water quality in this area.In this research project, chemical parameters such as anions, cations and heavy metals were determined in 16 wells over four seasons. The yearly averages of the parameters calculated and displayed by the graphs.The results showed that "Lenjanat" ground water qualifies as very hard water. Most chemical parameters such as BOD, Cod: TDS, EC, S04 of wells number 1,2,3 and 14 exceed drinking water standards. The wastewater lagoons of the Isfahan Steel Mill may be polluting well No. 3 and the other three wells. Wells No.4 and 5, located in the lower areas of Munitions Factories, showed a vers' high COD.Due to the west-to-east direction of surface slopes (from munitions factories towards the above-mentioned wells) the water could be polluted by waste material from the industry. It seems that severe pollution of ground water exists around these factories and extensive studies are required to determine the type of organic and inorganic waste and the exact source of pollution in order to control groundwater quality.
H Kakooei , M Sameti ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

This study has been done in a raajor brake-shoe factor.'. Air samples were taken and dustlevels determined according to OSHA code, revealing a dust load in weighting and shootingsaloons ranging from 2 to 16.88 mg/nr Measurement and counting of asbestos fibers weredone using OSHA ID 160/ code and permissible exposure levels. Asbestos fiber counts in sampled areas were higher than the time weighted average level(TWA) and even higher than action level.Particle size distribution was also determined. It turned out that of the 3000 counted particles,%90 of non-fibers and %10 are fiber-shaped. Also size of %60.4 of counted fibers is lowerthan 10 x that %80 of them are fibers.The results of this study showed significantly thai the maximum pollution loads occur in theweighting section, especially in the mixers. Heavy pollutant load. low air flow (face velocity)and use of canopies with the lowest enclosure may be regarded as potential mechanisms.
M Abolhasani , M   Shaeghi , H Ladonii ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

In this study we employed two methods for gauging the sensitivity of B. germanica strains to organophosphorus insecticides: an in-vivo bioassay that used linear regression analysis (with mortality on a probit scale and logarithm of concentration) and an in-vitro enzyme assay.
In the bioassay method, B. germanica nymphs of stage 1 (2-3 days old) were exposed to patches of paper impregnated with 2% diazinon and propoxur. Compared to the sensitive (reference) strains, all but one of the tested strains showed resistance to diazinonzinon with resistance ratios of 0.97 to 1.67. As for propoxur, all strains were sensitive with the exception of one subject that showed a resistance ratio of 1.6. The enzyme assays used common esterase and acetylcholine esterase methods. Comparison of in-vivo and in-vitro tests on stage 1 nymphs of B. germanica shows that both methods are reasonably sensitive in measuring resistance/sensitivity ratios. In addition, the bioassay modality makes it possible to gauge the degree of insecticide sensitivity while the in-vitro method can only determine quantitative or qualitative changes in enzymes effected by carbamates and organophosphates. This study is the first of its kind, conducted by the school of Public Health in Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

M Soltan Mohammad Zadeh , H Keshavarz , M Mohebali , K Holakouie Naieni , Sh  arshi ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

Toxoplasmosis is a common disease caused by the protozoal parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Most human cases occur by 1) eating raw or undercooked meat containing T. gondii tissue cysts. 2) ingestion of oocysts from soil and 3) vertical transmission through the placenta. Immunocompetent adults are usually asymptomatic or present with self-limited fever and lymphadenopathy. Infection acquired during pregnancy can be transmitted to the fetus and may cause mental retardation, blindness, epilepsy, and abortion. In this cross-sectional study we determined the prevalence of toxoplasma infection in residents of Meshkin-Shahr in 2001-2002. We applied a cluster sampling method to family health files in local health centers to recruit a total of 909 individuals for this study. All family members were requested to complete the study&aposs questionnaire. For each individual, two separate blood samples were collected and placed in microhematocrite tubes. Titers of anti-toxoplasma antibodies were measured by IFA with levels in excess of 1/20 taken as positive. Questionnaire information and examination results were analyzed by the SPSS software package using chi-square tests. Results of this survey show the overall prevalence of toxoplasma infection to be around 18.3%. Figures for men and women were 19.7% and 17.2%, respectively but the difference was not statistically significant. Prevalence rates show a significant association with age (greater prevalence in higher age groups) and the type of meat consumed (P<0.05). But there were no significant associations with education level, occupation-keeping cats in the house, ingestion of meat and history of previous abortions. The most frequently occurring antibody titer was 1/20 (6.9%). and frequency decreased with higher antibody titers.
This study shows that toxoplasma infection is not as common in Meshkin-Shahr as in some parts of the country, with more than 80% of individuals being seronegative. Because of the low immunity level and the risk of vertical transmission, educating the public in prevention methods could be very important.

M Mardani , M Keshtkar- Jahromi , B Haqiqat ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

Severe Acute Respirators&apos Syndrome (SARS), an emerging infectious disease first reported from the Chinese province of Guangdong, has already caused one worldwide outbreak. The syndrome spread across the globe by travelers. The etiologic agent was unknown at the beginning, but because of the rapid spread of the disease, an infectious agent with high transmission potency was suspected. Later workers at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) succeeded in isolating a new coronavirus with a distinct genome from SARS patients. This new virus spread all over the world in a few weeks and the epidemic peaked in March and April. Within a short period of lime, the epidemic inflicted huge economic losses on the involved countries, especially in Asia. Finally the outbreak was contained in July, 2003. But is this really the end of SARS? The are no easy answers.
Considering this new disease and the probability of its reemergence, it is necessary for all health care workers to be familiar with some features of the syndrome (clinical and laboratory findings, approach to patients, routes of transmission, pre and post-travel recommendations and ways to control the infection).
We will provide you with some important information about this new emerging disease from a variety of sources.

A Shahidzadeh , E.s Mir Moeeni , M.h Azimian , Kh Mani-Kashani ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

This cross-sectional study was conducted from May to September 2003, with the aim of determining quality of service in 25 State-run family planning clinics in Hamadan city. A total of 400 consultations were observed and assessed using UNICEF quality checklists. Results showed that less than 50% of the clients are receiving service of a satisfactory quality areas of care where quality was worst included history taking, physical examination and counseling. It became apparent that care providers with higher education had lower performance levels compared to their less educated colleagues. Service for new clients was of poorer quality than for those who had requested a change of contraceptive method. Furthermore, earlier hours of a work shift (before 10 o’clock) were associated with better service quality than later hours. Altogether, the study reveals serious flaws in areas such as training of family health workers and human resource management within the current system. To address these shortcomings, we recommend a more client-oriented approach in health care, use of supplementary material to promote client knowledge, and training of health workers with due emphasis on effective communication and performance.
M Tabatabaei , A.r Dorosty , F Siassi , A Rahimi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

The increasing prevalence of adult obesity, and its individual as well as public consequences has always been a major concern for nutrition and health specialists. The last decade has also witnessed a sharp rise in childhood obesity rates worldwide. There is little reliable information on childhood obesity rates in Iran, hence the need for prevalence studies in different parts of this country. These studies are complicated by a paucity of baseline (reference) data on obesity in Iranian children. This study aims to determine the prevalence of obesity in Ahwaz primary school pupils by using three different sets of baseline values, namely IOTF, CDC and local data from Iran. Using two-stage cluster sampling, a total of 3482 students aged 6-12y (1843 boys & 1639 girls) were randomly selected from Ahwaz primary schools. Weight and height were measured and BMI calculated. Obesity was defined as having a BMI ≥ 95th percentile of each of the three sets of reference values. Prevalence rates according to Iranian reference data, CDC 2000, and IOTF 2000 were %10/9, %5/2, and %3/6 respectively. Obesity is quite common among school children in Ahwaz and further studies are required to determine risk factors. In addition, different reference data produce different prevalence estimates.

A Abadi , K Mohammad , M.r Meshkani , A Kazemnejad, Y Mehrabi , F Azizi ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

Misclassification of disease status and risk factors is one of the main sources of error in studies. Wrong assignment of individuals into exposed and non-exposed groups may seriously distort the results in case-control studies. This study investigates the effect of misclassification error on odds ratio estimates and attempts to introduce a correction method. Data on 3332 men aged 30-69 years from Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS) were considered for investigating the relationship between angina pectoris and smoking. The “Rose” questionnaire was used to evaluate angina status. Two different definitions of smoking were included: I) active smokers versus non-smokers, II) active and ex-smokers versus never smoked. The relation between variables was assessed both with and without considering misclassification in smoking. Definition I (commonly used in many epidemiologic studies), resulted in a non-significant OR=1.09 (95% CI: 0.84, 1.41). Using the correction method based on the principle of non-differential misclassification, the OR increased to 1.13 (95% CI: 0.89, 1.43), which was still non-significant. However, a correction procedure that included the probability of differential misclassification produced a significant OR=1.46 (95% CI: 1.15, 1.85), p<0.05. It is evident that misclassification in risk factors can lead to inaccurate results. This study showed that the relation between variables may have not been discovered if the probability of misclassification was ignored. Moreover, in case of probable differential misclassification, applying correction methods for non-differential misclassification would be inefficient.

F Asghari , A Fotouhi , A Sharifian , A Karimi ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

Hearing loss is a controversial occupational disease in fire fighters because exposure to hazardous levels of noise in this job is so variable and unpredictable. In this study, audiometric assessments were performed on 117 fire fighters to evaluate their hearing loss. The results showed that the average fire fighter has a characteristic noise-induced threshold shift, with maximum hearing loss occurring at 6000 Hz. The hearing loss at the test frequencies was related to age, although the association exceeded that of general population only in 6000 Hz frequency in left ear (p=0.021). Despite finding a pattern of threshold shift typical of occupational hearing loss, it must be noted that after controlling for age, there was no strong relation between length of time on the job and the degree of hearing loss. It seems that more extensive studies are needed to evaluate this relationship.

M Kermani , K Naddafi , M Shariat , A.s Mesbah ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

Apparently, breathing clean air is of significant importance to human beings and thus attention to what enters our body through inhalation is on the increase. Tehran’s air pollution has received considerable media coverage in recent years: Since particulate matter (TSP and PM10) is one of the important pollutants in this city, an attempt was made to study TSP and PM10 concentrations and to make a qualitative assessment of air using the Air Quality Index (AQI), with TSP and PM10 sampling both daily and on a monthly basis. Shariati Hospital district was selected as study area from 22 December 2001 to 20 April 2002. To determine the amount of TSP and PM10 according to EPA and WHO standards, 61 samples were taken for TSP and 61 samples for PM10 with High Volume Sampler. The results indicated that: • As for TSP and PM10, the period extending from 20 February to 20 March (Esfand) was the most heavily polluted one in this study. The cleanest spell was observed from 21 March to 20 April (Farvardin). • Saturdays and Mondays were the most polluted days of the week for TSP and PM10 and Fridays were the cleanest. • As for TSP, In 51 percent of the samples the Air Quality Index (AQI) was below 100 (AQI<100) and in the remaining 49 percent, AQI was above 100 (AQI>100). • In the case of PM10, in 75.5 percent of samples the Air Quality Index (AQI) was below 100 (AQI<100) and in the remaining 24.5 percent AQI was above 100 (AQI>100).

A Motevalli Haghi , M Nateghpour , Gh.h Edirssian , E Sori , M.t Satvat ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

Owing to importance of employing native and traditional medicinal plants with good efficacy against malaria parasites, an ethanolic extract of Peganum harmala L. was tested on Plasmodium berghei in sourian mice and a comparison was made with the effect of chloroquine on the same parasite. In this study 56 sourian mice were divided into 8 groups, each consisting of seven animals. The first 7 groups were infected with P. berghei and the last group was used as control. The first seven groups were given chloroquine, Peganum harmala at four different concentrations (20, 100, 300, 600 mg/kg) and placebo, respectively and the seventh group did not receive any treatment. The evaluation was done by Rane test. In each group the level of parasitaemia was determined on days 4 & 7, and compared with values from Day 0 (just before treatment) in order to record the decline in parasitaemia in treated groups. Results were analysed using SPSS soft ware and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that, although all the four concentrations of the Peganum harmala extract significantly reduced parasitaemia in the infected subjects, the 100 mg/kg solution showed optimal effectiveness on the parasites in comparison with other concentrations and the no-treatment option. We conclude that although the ethanolic extract of peganum harmala is not as effective as chloroquine in reducing parasitaemia, it can nonetheless cause a significant decrease when compared to control and placebo groups.

K Azam , A Gerami , K Mohammad , A Kazemnejad ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

In large–scale sampling opeartions (e.g. nation-wide health surveys) we always face the problem of non-response item(s) and/or non-response unit(s). In fitting a model to the data we have two groups of variables, namely dependent and independent variables. Non-response may occur for any of these groups of variables. In this paper we assume Y as a categorical dependent variable with three levels, Z and X as independent variables from any kind: scale, categorical, ordinal, etc. We have complete data on the first two variables and we assume that the missing items follow a random pattern (MAR). Then a model is devised based on the likelihood function for the whole data set (including missing values) and estimates of parameters are compared with those obtained by statistical programs such as SPSS, which are only based on completely observed data and ignore units with missing data. Our results show that the likelihood-based model is superior to the standard approach utilized by the software packages. The comparison is made using data on thyriod disease (goiter) obtained by a health survey in Gazvin province.

M Chinichian , A Poorreza ,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2004)

Anthropology is concerned with description and interpretation of various aspects of social life it is an attempt to understand and assess the origin of different social phenomena. In this research we have studied the abortion beliefs and behaviors of women in reproductive age, and we also tried to explain how these beliefs and behaviors were changing with time. Considering the in-depth nature of anthropological research, Azarbayejan, an old and traditional neighborhood in downtown Tehran was chosen as the setting for this work. Besides the local women who came from different backgrounds we interviewed other groups of people for their views on reproductive health. These included health care professionals, community health liaison workers, psychologists and marriage guidance counselors, social workers, midwives and physicians. The individual in-depth interviews were completed by a simultaneous literature and document review. It became apparent that women’s beliefs on abortion form a wide spectrum, from outright condemnation to complete acceptance. Also in spite of the illicit and socially forbidden nature of abortion, there are widely different types of behavior among women. A host of medications, from herbal/traditional to modern, are being used for inducing abortion. Histories taken from patients have revealed many of these behaviors and their varieties. Existence of a certain type of behavior is an indication of its function in community. To conclude, in spite of these beliefs, abortion not only exists, but is often practiced in an unhealthy manner. So a more pragmatic approach (promoting quality of life) may be indicated.

E.m Razzaghi , A Rahimi Movaghar , K   Mohammad , M Hosseini ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (5-2004)

There are about 200,000 injecting drug users (IDUs) in Iran. HIV/AIDS is closely associated with IDU in Iran. The objective of this study was to explore unhealthy sex behavior and the interventions for its control in IDUs.
A qualitative method was employed. Six districts in Tehran with a population of 400,000 were selected. These districts differed in socioeconomic characteristics, urban structure, IDU prevalence and crime rates. A total of 81 key informants from different sectors and 154 IDUs were selected by purposeful, opportunistic and snowball sampling, and interviewed individually or in groups. Ethnographic observations were done to study life situation in the subjects.
In one district no cases of IDU were found. In others, sexual promiscuity in IDUs was reported to be common. IDUs report sexual relationship to be more common with sex wrkers. In most of these areas, access to commercial sex is believed to be easy. Sex workers, themselves are commonly drug users, half of them are actually IDUs. Safe sex (e.g., use of condoms) is not a common habit. Homosexual relationship seems to be uncommon in IDUs and there were no reports of condom use in this type of contact. According to IDUs, dealing with this problem would require financial support and drug distribution for preventing sex work, and settlement and organization of sex workers as a prelude to effective sex education and promotion of condoms.
Expansion of injecting drug use and its relationship with blood-borne infections in recent years necessitates rapid interventions for controlling injection drug use and the associated risks. As unhealthy sex behavior seems to be common in IDUs, sex education, free condom distribution in drug abuse treatment centers and other health facilities (with the use of outreach methods) is highly recommended.

K Mohammadi-Kheyrabadi , M Mohebali , S Mamishi , Sh Arshi ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (5-2004)

This study is a retrospective review of the epidemiology of kala-azar, using cases reported to health facilities in Ardebil province over a period of 5 years: from the beginning of 1997 until the end of 2001.
The total number of cases was 602, but as the assessment was only possible in hospitalized patients, the questionnaires were completed for 293 cases with detailed records in 5 hospitals (3 in Ardebil and two in Meshkin-shahr and Germi). Another 76 cases were also excluded (due to incomplete records) and in the end 217 questionnaires were analyzed by the Epi-info 2002 package.
Compared to the total number of cases (1051) reported in a similar study over the years 1985-90, the reduction in total number of cases (602) may be due to reduced incidence rate in Meshkin-Shahr and/or underreporting. Although the total number is down, the number of new cases in Germi and Bilehsavar districts has increased. In our study the overall male to female ratio was 1.4 to 1 this ratio was 1.5 to 1 in hospitalized patients. 74% (160) of cases were under 2 years of age and 93% (201) under 5. Only 1.8% (4) of patients were over the age of 10 years. Though the majority of the patients were seen in Ardabil city, most had been referred from Germi district. 87.5% were village dwellers, mostly referred on cold months of the year the number of referrals was lowest during summer. The most frequently used diagnostic test (especially in recent years) was DAT, positive in 77% of tested cases (titers/1600). We also performed BMA on 30 patients, of which 87% (26) were positive. 58%) of the subjects had been diagnosed in about a month after the disease onset and 93% within 4 months. The most common clinical features were anemia, fever, anorexia, splenomegaly (all present in >90% of cases) other manifestations were malnutrition, cough, hepatomegaly, diarrhea, vomiting, Iymphadenopathy, hemorrhage, jaundice, edema and ascitis. In 6 cases (3%) the chief complaint was febrile convulsion. The most common laboratory findings were anemia (mean Hb - 8.96 mg/dl), elevated ESR (highest level being 140mm/l hour), thrombocytopenia and neutropenia. Liver enzymes were elevated in one third of the patients. 96% of the cases treated with Glucantime the remaining 4% were relapse cases or treatment failures and had been given Amphotricin-B. 95.8% (211 cases) had been discharged in good general condition 3% (6) had died. The exact causes of death were not mentioned in hospital records.
According to these findings, Kala-azar is a major health problem in Ardebil province, especially within the rural population and specifically in Germi and Bilehsavar districts. It requires more intense control and more medical facilities alongside education programs for health workers and general population.

R Dastjerdi , H Eftekhar Ardebili , A Poorreza , N Assasi , B Golestan ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (5-2004)

We performed a cross sectional study with the aim of assessing levels of habitual physical activity and associated factors (barriers and motivators), finding the stage of change among high school girls, and exploring relationships between physical activity and the following set of factors: age, parent education, type of school attended, knowledge, and attitude. 457 girls in the 1SI to 3rd grade of high school with a mean age of 15.6 (%95.3 cases were 14th to below 17Ih years old) in Tehran&aposs second region of educational office district were selected via proportional-to-size and cluster sampling methods. These girls attended 4 different types of facilities (public and private high schools / public and private vocational schools). The data were gathered through self-administered questionnaires. Our results indicated that %58.6 of students were in pre-contemplation and contemplation stages, while 24.7% were in action and maintenance stages of change.
The mean level of physical activity at work (in school) was 2.22, which was significantly lower than 2.75- the minimum acceptable level of physical activity at work (p<0.00 ). The mean level of sport activity was 2.73, significantly (p<0.001) higher than 2.33 (minimum acceptable level of sport activity). The mean level of physical activity at leisure time was 2.50, which had no significant difference with the minimum acceptable level of 2.50. (Note: all max. acceptable level is 5).
The most important barriers identified were: time constraints, lack of companions, lack of suitably located facilities and a general state of lassitude.
The most important motivators were individual interest, desire to lose weight, company of friends, and support of parents. The level of exercise did not show a significant relationship with age, probably because of the limited range of age categories enrolled in this study. Levels of physical activity at work and sport activity (p=0.004 for and p=0.012 for sport) showed a significant positive relationship with the mother&aposs level of education. No significant relationships were found between any type of physical activity and the father&aposs education. The level of sport activity in private high schools was significantly (p=0.005) higher than in public high schools. On the other hand no significant differences were observed between levels of physical activity in private or public high schools compared to private or public vocational schools. Only sport activity had a significant positive relationship with higher knowledge (p=0.005) and attitude (pO.OOl).
The majority of our population (%58.6) was in pre-cont. and cont. level of stage of change. Therefore more emphasis should be placed on improving health education. We must also teach our teenagers to organize their leisure time so they can do some simple and inexpensive physical activities like brisk walking between home and school or while shopping.

M Yahya Pour , F Razjoo , Gh Karimi ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (5-2004)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of hepatitis B vaccination on the results of surface antigen tests in blood donors. In this research, eighteen non-immunized volunteers (ten male, eight female) aged 21 to 58 years received 20 ug of the recombinant B vaccine (Heberbiovac-HB) intramuscularly. Blood samples were drawn from all volunteers before the first vaccine dose (day 0) and on days 1,2,3 and 7 after vaccination. HBSAg assessment was done by six different kits (Behring, organon, Diasorin, Equipar, Trinity, Radim ). In this study, seven (39 %) of the eighteen volunteers showed a positive HBSAg reaction, confirmed by the duplicate samples. The most positive reactions were obtained by trinity kit on day 5 and 7. We conclude that individuals recently vaccinated against hepatitis B may have positive tests for HBSAg and it is recommended that such persons defer all blood donations for at least 7 days.

K Holakuei Naieni , H Ladonni , H Asle Soleimani , Sh Afhami , M Shayeghi ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (5-2004)

Hospitals are habitually thought of as places where people "recover from disease". But failure to control agents of disease in these institutions can create or worsen disease and infection such nosocomial infections constitute a major threat to all hospitalized patients. The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) can be an effective transmitter of nosocomial infections by virtue of its ubiquitous presence and its behavioral characteristics. This research is focused on nosocomial organisms in Imam Khomeini and Shariati hospitals (belonging to Tehran University of Medical Sciences) and may be a first step in devising effective infection control strategies.
After recording data on the collection site, the collected cockroaches were transferred to a laboratory, where bacteria and fungi were isolated from the body surface and the digestive tube. The specimens were also subjected to insecticide sensitivity tests by the mortality and knock-down test methods.
Cultures of the external body surface yielded a total of 77 fungal colonies (filamentous fungi, Actinomycetes, yeasts and yeast-like organisms), while those of the digestive tract produced 83 colonies. Notable among these isolates were the highly virulent Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus species.
Bacterial studies showed that 100% of the roaches carried rich bacterial floras, most commonly including Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Citrobacter, Enterobacter and Serratia species. Many of these bacteria demonstrated antibiotic resistance, suggesting that the contaminants belonged to the hospital milieu. These results establish cockroaches as effective mechanical transmitters of multi-drug resistant bacteria.
Mortality tests revealed a high degree of resistance to permethrin, tolerance to Aicon, and sensitivity to other insecticides. Knock-down tests showed high permethrin resistance, tolerance to Aicon and deltamethrin, and sensitivity to Sulfac.

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