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Banafsheh Aleyaran, Zahra Delavari, Fatemeh Fayyaz, Hamed Moslehi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Aim: Social health is one of the most basic criteria of social well-being and an effective factor in improving the quality of life of any society. .In Iran, the Office of Mental Health, Social Health and Addiction (OMSHA) is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating social health programs. The purpose of this research was to criticize and assess the contents of the social health component of the primary health care (PHC) system in an attempt to revise the contents.
Materials and Methods: The method used in this study was the deconstruction method. The research environment was all the contents of the social health component provided by OMSHA, and in order to obtain precise data the entire statistical population was taken as the study sample.
Results: In general, data analysis indicated the following: inappropriate screening, cultural adaptation, unidimensionality, role and responsibility adaptation, the preference of treatment to prevention, updating, comprehensiveness and adequacy of basic contents, and comprehensiveness and adequacy of practical suggestions.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that revision of the contents of the social health component of the Office of Mental health, Social Health and Addiction is a necessity in order to improve the delivery of mental health services..
Hamidreza Atefifar, Hossein Aghajani Marsa, Alireza Mohseni Tabrizi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Aim: Tobacco use, narcotics, drug abuse, consumption of alcohol, having unsafe sexual relations and other such behaviours are risky behaviors that tend to cause great concerns in families. Parents try to cope with high-risk behaviors through care strategies. The purpose of this research was to determine the typology of strategies for taking care of risky behaviors based on to the family socioeconomic status (SES).
Materials and Methods: This was a quantitative descriptive-correlational research including all the urban families of Tabriz, Iran, from among whom a sample of 384 families was selected by the multi-stage cluster method. Two measurement tools (checklist for high-risk behavior care strategies and a family SES questionnaire) were used to gather data, the one-way analysis of variance (F) test and linear regression being used to determine the relationships between the variables.
Results: The means of strategies for taking care of risky behaviors were significantly different based on the SES of the family, the upper classes adopting a more appropriate (procedural) strategy to take care of children against risky behaviors than the lower classes. Conclusion: Families with a medium and low SES use ineffective care strategies (inefficient and momentary) to cope with risky behaviors. In order to improve the public's health, it is necessary to adopt prevention-based cultural-educational policies to transform ineffective care strategies to procedural strategies.                        
Maryam Islampanah, Masoume Bluri Tabar, Elham Kavyani, Susan Lai,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Aim: Technological education is considered a new model in the development of education, especially higher education, to promote cybernetic management and strategic intelligence of training managers, and can help the organizations to implement programs well. The purpose of this research was to develop a structural model of technological education for development of strategic intelligence and cybernetic management in managers of higher education centers in Kermanshah Province, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This study was a quantitative-qualitative research. In the qualitative section, saturation was achieved by 15 interviews, and in quantitative section 281 questionnaires were completed and returned to the researcher. The measurement tools used in the qualitative part were semi-structured questionnaires, based on which two researcher-made questionnaires were extracted, while in the quantitative part, theMcCobe's strategic intelligence questionnaire (2007) and researcher-made technological education and cybernetic management questionnaires were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS24 and Amos software.
Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated appropriateness of the measurement models obtained from constructed questionnaires. The structural equational model showed that technological education has a significant positive effect on cybernetic management and strategic intelligence.
Conclusion: Development of strategic intelligence in higher education centers leads to more interactions between managers and the faculty members and personnel, as well as constructive relationships between faculty members and students. Furthermore, strategic intelligence is a proactive approach that can be beneficial in all sections of higher education centers. Considering the relationships between the variables studied, it is suggested that the aforementioned results be used to reduce the challenges in the programs and activities of educational managers of education centers.
Eisa Solgi, Arezoo Soleimany, Vida Hatami,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Aim: Air pollution is currently one of the most important environmental issues. The most common effect of air pollution on plants is the gradual decomposition of chlorophyll and leaf yellowing, which may result in the reduction of photosynthetic capacity. This study aimed to investigate the effect of air pollution on the chlorophyll content and zonation of leaf chlorophyll content of two tree species in Malayer city, Iran.
Materials and Methods: Samples were collected from two tree species, namely, Platanus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia in different parts of Malayer city, Iran (clean and polluted areas), each with three replications. The concentration of pigments in the leaves was measured by the Lichtenthaler (1987) method, which is the modified Arnon method (1949), at 663 and 645 nm wavelengths, absorbance being measured using a spectrophotometer.
Results: Data analysis showed that the a, b and total chlorophyll contents in the acacia tree species in the southern parts (southwest) of the study area reached their maximums, while their contents were lowest in the eastern and north-western parts and low to medium in the central parts of the study area. On the other hand, as regards the sycamore species, in the eastern and north-western parts of the study area the a, b, and total chlorophyll contents were the highest and reached their minimums in the south-western parts. However, as in the case of the acacia species, in the central parts of the study area the contents of the tree chlorophylls were low to medium.
Conclusion: The results of this study show that the a, b and total leaf chlorophyll contents of the two acacia and plantain species were higher in the polluted areas as compared to those in clean areas. On this basis, it can be said that a higher physiological index, such as an increased chlorophyll content, indicates the plant's response for resistance to air pollutants.
Ahmad Nejati, Alireza Asgari Golzardi, Farshad Khodakhah, Katayoun Samimi-Rad, Seyedeh Maryam Yousefi, Yaghoub Mollaei-Kandelousi, Maryam Keyvanlou, Mohammad Razaghi, Parastoo Soheili, Delaram Yaghoubzadeh, Nastaran Ghavami, Susan Mahmoudi, Seyed Mohsen Zahraei, Shohreh Shahmahmoodi,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: During the COVID-19 pandemic public health measures and protocols such as regular hand washing and wearing a face mask were recommended at the national level. The implementation of these health protocols reduced the prevalence of respiratory diseases, but no study has been conducted to investigate the impact of the implementation of these protocols on the spread of viruses that are transmitted through fecal-oral route. Considering that non-polio enteroviruses (NPEVs) are mainly transmitted through fecal-oral route, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of non-polio enteroviruses in patients with acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) in Iran before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and Methods: To detect non-polio enteroviruses stool samples of AFP cases received by Iran National Polio Laboratory in 2019 (before the COVID-19 pandemic) and 2021 (during the COVID-19 pandemic) were tested. To isolate NPEVs by cell culture, the WHO standard protocol was used, and the TaqMan One-Step Real Time PCR was used for molecular testing.
Results: In 2019, a sample of 21 out of 1070 patients and a sample of 12 out of 100 patients were found to be positive for non-polio enterovirus by cell culture and the molecular method, respectively; these ratios decreased to10 out of 678 and 3 out of 100 in 2021.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the observance of personal hygiene and public health protocols during the COVID-19 epidemic  have, in addition to the general reduction of respiratory transmission of viruses, also affected the faecal-oral transmission of viruses.
Mostafa Peyvand, Hossein Ansari, , , Mohamad Ali Yadegari, Hossein Moein,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim Cardiovascular complications in diabetes mellitus are one of the most common complications of this disease. The aim of this study was to determine the cumulative probability of occurrence of cardiac complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus using survival analysis in patients referring to the Diabetes Clinic, Bu-Ali Hospital, Zahedan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive and analytical historical cohort study using the survival analysis method in 2020 on 410 patients referring to the Diabetes Clinic, Bu-Ali Hospital, Zahedan, Iran. Data were collected and analyzed using the SPSS-v21 software, the statistical tests being descriptive tests, followed by the Kaplan-Meier method and the Cox proportional hazards model of survival.
Results: The results of this study showed that 122 individuals (29.7%) of the diabetic patients had cardiac complications. The median survival time (in months) of the occurrence of cardiac complications was found to be related to fasting and two-hour postprandial blood sugar levels (p<0.05). Further analysis of the data showed that two variables, namely fasting blood sugar and regular visits, remained in the final model of the multiple Cox regression.
Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the cardiac complications of diabetes in the population studies are relatively high. Therefore, it is essential to plan and implement interventions aiming to change lifestyle and control regularly blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar in the patients in order to prevent the disease
Hamed Moslehi, Reyhaneh Fayyaz, Zahra Validabadi, Iman Zaghian,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: The objective of this study was to gain a deep understanding of the importance (expected services) and performance (services provided) of mental health services to determine the priority indicators of mental health to help design higher quality and more effective community mental health interventions.
Materials and Methods: This was a mixed-method study including all the mental health executives and practitioners (n=998) in Iran. In the quantitative part, the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) model was used to determine the importance and performance of the current mental health programs in the primary health care (PHC) system, and in the qualitative part complementary explanations were analyzed using the thematic analysis method.
Results: The findings show that there were gaps between the expected services and the services provided in the mental health program. Thus, the following points should be taken into account to be able to improve the mental health services: 1. Strengthening the domestic violence prevention program as regards spouse misbehavior and misbehavior towards children; 2. Continuation of lifestyle skills and parenting programs, 3. Self-care in mental health and drug use programs; 4. psychiatric disorders diagnosis and care and a healthy adolescents program is desirable and necessary, but revising and modifying the suicide prevention program (as regards costs and treatment) are essential. 5. In addition, the psycho-social intervention programs in disasters, addiction harm reduction program, strengthening family foundation and the Competent Family Program are of low importance in formulating a strategy.
Conclusion: Corrective actions based on the prioritizations determined can be included in the working agenda of the managers of mental health care systems at the primary levels to improve the quality of mental health services.
Fatemeh Setoodehzadeh, Hossein Ansari, , Fatemeh Nazari, Fatemeh Khabiri, Mohammad Hassan Amiri Moghaddam,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: The health system is trying to prevent unnecessary referrals to higher levels by providing tiered services and thus reduce the cost of health care. Therefore, this study was conducted in Zahedan City, Iran with the aim of finding the causes of referrals from level 1 to higher tiers in rural areas.
Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 458 rural patients referred to the second level in the rural areas of Zahedan City, Iran. Data were collected from the family health files available in the Sib system and analyzed using the SPSS-16 statistical software, the statistical tests being descriptive statistics (percentage, frequency) and Chi-square test.
Results: The highest (57.6%) and lowest (4.1%) proportions of referrals to the second level of service provision were found to have been in 2018 and 2016, respectively. From among the referred patients nearly 50% had been referred due to the need for a higher expertise, thus most referrals (67.2%) were to specialists. Further analysis of the data showed that only in 23.6% of the cases there was a feedback from the higher level to the first level.
Conclusion: The findings show that referrals from family physicians to higher levels in the health system requires higher medical expertise and patient insistence. In addition, feedback to the first level of service provision has not received proper attention. Establishing interactions between physicians and other health service levels, refresher training of physicians, emphasizing the importance of providing feedback and promoting the awareness of patients can reduce to a large extent inappropriate referrals.
Afshin Hamdipour, Rasoul Zavareqi, Zahra Mehmannavaz,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Traditional medicine (TM) or complementary medicine is an old method based on culture, which has been developed in various forms of indigenous therapeutic methods in different societies. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the publication trend and visualizing the scientific structure of TM.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out with a scientometric approach. The statistical population included 29,852 documents indexed in the TM field at the WoS database during the period of 2012 to 2020. The Excel and VOSviewer software were used for data analysis.
Results: The findings showed that the scientific outputs of TM during the period studied had had an upward trend with 343,700 citations. Two universities in South Korea, namely Kyung Hee University and Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine (KIOM), had had the largest number of publications in this field. Further analysis of the data revealed that the highest levels of cooperation occurred between China and the US (565 cooperations), followed by China and Australia (253 cooperations) and China and the UK (134 cooperations). Finally Iran was found globally to have ranked fourth as regards TM publications and to be the most highly specialized country (in terms of RSI) in this field. This would necessitate more attention to appropriate scientific policy-making on the part of the responsible officials.
Conclusion: The cumulative frequency of publications in the field of traditional medicine in 2030 will be twice that in 2020. This trend would require special attention in scientific policy-making.
Razieh Khalili Nezhad, Parastoo Golshiri,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Primary levels of health services are designed to provide, maintain and promote the health of healthy young people, while the goal of higher levels is to screen and restore the health of the patients. One of the challenges is the personal culture of some of the health service providers and the recipients of these services. One of the recent reforms in the healthcare system has been the implementation the Health System Reform Plan based on the family physician and the referral system. This study investigated the status of the referral system in the family physician program in Isfahan metropolitan area in 2018.
Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study with a contractual content analysis conducted on a sample of 28 individuals selected by purposeful snowball sampling continued until saturation. Interviews were held with male and female healthcare workers (n = 14), midwives (n = 10), and managers (n = 4). Data analysis was done using the SPSS.25 statistical software.
Results: This study succeeded to explain strategies to improve the quality of the referral system and the views of health service personnel and, finally, find the strengths, weaknesses and solutions for improving the referral system.
Conclusion: The findings show that the performance of the referral system in the city of Isfahan is in line with the goals. However, visiting referred patients, providing feedback and referral to the laboratory are not as effective as they should be. Therefore, planning is needed to remove obstacles and solve problems such as shortage of human resources, non-human resources and infrastructure, insufficient provision of medicines and job insecurity so that goals can be reached.
Zahra Anbarani, Shokoufeh Mottaghi, Mohammad Hadi Safi,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: As a crisis, the Covid-19 disease affected all aspects of people's lives, especially the occupational aspect.  Bank employees were more under pressure due to the type of service they provided to the public. The aim of this study was to analyze the challenges affecting the job efficiency of some of the Bank Melli Iran personnel during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative research project with a phenomenological approach. The research population was the employees of Melli Bank branches in the 10th district of Mashhad City, Iran in 2021, from among whom a sample of 10 people was selected by purposeful sampling, the sampling process continuing until saturation. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the inductive thematic analysis method.
Results: Data analysis showed 12 sub-themes, 3 main themes including challenges at the individual, interpersonal and organizational levels, and a core theme.
Conclusion: The findings of this study show that the Bank employees’ concept of the Corona pandemic can affect their work efficiency.  These findings can be used for planning to solve the problems and challenges of this group of people after the Corona pandemic.
Marzieh Sadeghi Hardangi, Ahmad Kalateh Sadati, Seyed Reza Javadian,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Aim: Hospital social workers as a group of discharge planners perform effective interventions for the safe discharge of patients. The purpose of this research was to investigate the interventions of medical social workers in safe discharge of patients.
Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study conducted in 2023 in Iran. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of 16 social workers working in public hospitals selected by purposeful, accessible and snowball sampling and analyzed using the thematic analysis method.
Results: The findings of this research show that hospital social workers implement specialized interventions within a framework of six planning stages with the aim of safe patient discharge. The three main themes are: professional intelligence, supportive framework and sustainability of interventions; the main theme of the current research is safe discharge.
Conclusion: The findings of this research indicate that the interventions of social workers for the safe discharge of the patients include measures before, during and after the discharge of a patient, based on the principles, values, intelligence, professional skills and the social work process. Social workers in this field need the support of responsible officials in the health system.
Mohammad Amin Mirzaei, Majid Sartipi, Mehdi Mohammadi,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice in most patients with kidney disease. It is a surgical operation in which a person’s kidney with chronic failure is replaced with a healthy kidney. The present study was conducted with the aim of estimating the survival probability of a transplanted kidney in patients with chronic kidney failure in Zahedan city, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical retrospective cohort study using the survival analysis method carried out in 2020. The sample size was estimated to be 211 patients.
Data were analyzed with SPSS.VER22 software using descriptive tests, the Kaplan-Meier method and the Cox proportional hazards model of survival.
Results: The data obtained showed that in general 45 (21.3%) clients had been rejected. In the multiple logistic regression model of kidney transplantation several variables, including survival time, patient survival variables, marital status, donor status, blood pressure and diabetes remained in the model (P<0.05). Further analysis of the data revealed that in the kidney disease patients with transplant survival in Zahedan city, only donor status variables, high blood pressure and diabetes remained in the final multiple Cox regression model.
Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be said that the probability of survival of kidney disease patients is independent of the type of donor and the characteristics of the recipient, which indicates the evolution of kidney transplant management over the past few years; dialysis before kidney transplantation also has an effect on the probability of survival. These factors can help to increase the probability of kidney transplant survival.
Seyedeh Maryam Pourmousavi, Zoha Hajiha, Mohammad Marfat, Iman Zaghian, Hamed Moslehi,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and purpose: The purpose of this research was to  write a critical review of the available service packages in the Mental and Social Health and Addiction Office (MSHAO) of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in the areas of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, which are currently used in the primary health care system. The content analysis method was used to extract the specialists’ critiques.
Materials and Methods: Initially the MSHAO sent 1362 pages of information in the form of 47 files to researchers to be reviewed. The files were classified, eliminating/removing additional, unrelated and duplicated items; finally 840 pages in 29 files were studied and carefully examined. Then, seven experts in the field of addiction were asked to criticize the packages, using the content analysis method to extract the experts' critiques.
Results: The findings showed that comprehensive information about drugs, alcohol and tobacco addiction is provided to the clients. However, based on a critical review of the existing packages four main critiques were extracted, namely, sources/references, epidemiology, incompatibility of Iranian-Islamic culture, and technical-specialist issues. In addition, criticisms were also extracted in the following areas/services: the number of files and the variety of interventions, editing and writing problems, interventions and discussions with inappropriate in-text sources/citations, some old sources/references (published in 2013 and 2014), old interventions, lack of appropriate compatibility with the culture of the Islamic society of Iran, and direct translation of some parts of the original texts and documents of international meetings/gatherings.
Conclusion: Despite the efforts of the Mental and Social Health and Addiction Office to cover the needs of the majority of people referring to the primary care system, it seems that the high number of interventions and additional information can cause confusion of/for the physician, mental health care provider, family health care provider, general health care provider and other relevant individuals. It is, therefore, suggested that some packages be merged with each other, duplicate items be removed and specific sections be added, some packages be fundamentally revised based on the suggested items, and updated packages be developed with due consideration of  to the culture of the Iranian society.
Hosein Izadi Rad, Fereshteh Narouei, Parisa Mohammadi,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim:  Women referring to health centers are one of the most important groups at risk of disease. Thus, in order to enjoy a high level of health, it is necessary for them to have health literacy. The purpose of this research was to find the demographic predictors of health literacy in women referring to comprehensive health service centers in Zahedan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study including 400 women selected by random cluster sampling from health centers under coverage of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences in 2022. The short form of the HELIA standard questionnaire was used to measure health literacy of the women. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 software, the statistical tests being ANOVA, Kendall's correlation, and multiple regression.
Results: The subjects were between 18 and 60 years old. They were found to have obtained most of the information related to health and disease by asking doctors and healthcare workers (about 52.25%). The scores of the components of the subjects’ health literacy were as follows: average health literacy 69.91±23.34, reading 72.17±29.80, access 34.73±27.91, understanding 71.41±29.43, assessment 62.10±25.51, and the scope of decision-making and behavior 71.49±20.27. The strongest predictor of health literacy was found to be education, such that with an increase in the level of education, the health literacy of a woman would increase by 0.53 units. In addition, education variables, income level, age and ethnicity would predict 55% of the health literacy of the women.
Conclusion: This study shows that the health literacy score is related to age, education level, marital status, occupation, economic status and ethnicity, the strongest predictor of health literacy being the a high level of education. Therefore, considering the available evidence on the importance of health literacy and factors related to it and the low level of health literacy of women in this study, it is clear that women need to acquire, process and understand the basic information on health and therapeutic services in order to be able to make appropriate decisions. Briefly, women need to receive simple and understandable information and have more time to communicate with the health service personnel to understand health information.
Mohammad Bagher Moghadasi, Tayebe Rahimi Pordanjani, Zahra Ameri,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Vaccination, as one of the most cost-effective medical interventions, has significantly reduced the incidence of many infectious diseases. This study aimed to examine the moderating effect of mandatory vaccination policies on the relationship between corona anxiety and vaccine hesitancy among the employees of medical universities.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive-correlational study was conducted using convenience sampling on a sample of 152 employees selected from a medical university in North Khorasan Province, Iran. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire on mandatory vaccination policies and vaccine hesitancy and Corona anxiety questionnaires. Pearson correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression were employed to test the research hypotheses, and data analysis was performed using the SPSS and AMOS software.
Results: The findings showed that 77% of the employees supported mandatory vaccination policies in the workplace. In addition, the correlation coefficients between Corona anxiety and mandatory vaccination policies with vaccine hesitancy were significant (p<0.001). Furthermore, the interaction of Corona anxiety and mandatory vaccination policies accounted for an additional 2% unique variance in the model (R2Δ=0.02, FΔ=4.02, p=0.05).
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study it can be said that mandatory vaccination policies can moderate the relationship between Corona anxiety and vaccine hesitancy among employees of medical universities. It is, thus, recommended to use appropriate and cost-effective policies and executive guarantees to improve vaccination attitudes in employees with anxiety.
Soodeh Shadkam, Mehran Farhadi, Mohammad Reza Zoghi Paydar, Hossein Mohagheghi,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Considering the high prevalence of anxiety disorders, the high comorbidity of social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, and the negative and lasting effects of social anxiety disorder on various aspects of a person's life, the present study investigated the effect of emotion regulation group therapy on the symptoms of social anxiety disorder comorbid with generalized anxiety disorder.
Materials and Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test design with control and follow-up groups. The statistical population included all the patients with social anxiety disorder comorbid with generalized anxiety disorder referring to psychotherapy clinics in Shiraz, Iran, from among whom a sample of 30 people were selected by the available sampling method. Data were collected using Structured Clinical Interviews for DSM-5 (SCID-5), Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 and the Social Interaction Anxiety Questionnaire (SIAS) and analyzed with SPSS version 27 software using the analysis of variance method with repeated measurements
Results: The data obtained showed that emotion regulation group therapy could significantly reduce the symptoms of social anxiety disorder (p<0.001) and generalized anxiety disorder (p<0.001), the results remaining stable in a three-month follow-up (p<0.05)
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study it can be concluded that group therapy of emotion regulation is effective in, and can, thus, be used as a therapeutic intervention for, social anxiety disorder comorbid with generalized anxiety disorder.
Abdolmajid Fadaei, Hajar Ahmadi, Esmaeil Fatahpoor, Yasser Jalilpour, Morteza Ariyanfar, Davood Jalili Naghan,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Air pollution has been widely established as an important risk factor for heart and respiratory diseases and mortality. The aim of this study was to compare the relationships between short-term exposure to air pollutants and hospital admissions, cardiovascular and respiratory deaths and total deaths in Ahvaz and Shahrekord, Iran.
 Materials and Methods: In this ecological and time-series study data were collected on hospital admissions, cardiovascular and respiratory deaths and total deaths between 2012 and 2018. For data analysis Quasi-Poisson regression combined with linear distributed lag models were used and adjusted for trend, seasonality, temperature, relative humidity, weekdays and holidays.
Results: Data analysis showed that in Ahvaz there were statistically significant direct correlations between PM10 exposure and respiratory admissions, PM2.5 exposure and total deaths and cardiovascular admissions, O3 exposure and total deaths, and CO exposure and cardiovascular admissions. As regards Shahrekord, there were statistically significant direct correlations between PM10 exposure and respiratory deaths, PM10 exposure and cardiovascular deaths, PM2.5 exposure and cardiovascular and respiratory admissions and respiratory deaths, O3 exposure and total deaths, and CO exposure and respiratory deaths.
Conclusion: It seems there are statistically significant relationships between air pollution and hospital admissions and deaths in Ahvaz and, to a lesser extent, in Shahrekord.
Jalal Big Mohammadi, Mehdi Zanganeh,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: The Health Transformation Plan (HTP) has been developed to be implemented in the rural areas with the goal of easy access of the villagers to the physician, their equitable benefit of the public facilities and improving the outpatient services. The present study was conducted to find and explain the experiences of family physicians of the rural centers and managers after the execution of HTP of the public health sector in Zahedan University of Medical Sciences (ZAUMS), Zahedan, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study using the content analysis method conducted in 1402 in the public health section in ZAUMS. The research population was the physicians and managers working in the rural areas of ZAUMS between 2015 and 2022; a sample was selected using the purposeful sampling method. Data were collected using the semi-structured interview based on the interview guide; content analysis was done using contract analytics.
Results: A group of 31 individuals including 20 men and 11 women and 19 physicians and 12 managers entered the study. Data were collected, analyzed and grouped in 6 main classes, namely, service delivery, integrated health system, resources, people and service recipients, monitoring and supervision, and suggestions; 12 sub-classes were extracted.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that appropriate training, service quality, financial support, and sustainable skilled manpower are the factors that will help solve the challenges in the Health Transformation Plan. On the other hand, considering that one of the components of the health system for successful implementation of the Health Transformation Plan is human resources, the ability and flexibility of the personnel play an important role in the speed of service delivery and service quality.
Seyedeh Sahar Ghaemmaghami Hezaveh, Rasul Nasiri, Mohamad Reza Masoudinezhad, Saeed Motassadi Zarandi, Morteza Tahamipour,
Volume 21, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Aim: Cement production is the source of 7% of global CO2 emissions. In order to reduce emissions by 0.7% annually until 2030, the cement industries can adopt the circular economy model. The present study aimed to assess the environmental sustainability of the Sufian cement industry based on the circular economy model.
Materials and Methods: Based on the circular economy model of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, this research was conducted in three steps in the Sufian Cement Factory in 2021-22: Step1. Data were collected on fuel consumption, electricity, water, production waste, released gases and costs; Step 2. Based on literature review and experts opinions strategies and solutions to move towards a circular economy were determined; Step 3. The index of linearity and rotation in the current and future state was calculated for the Sufian cement industry.
Results: The data obtained showed that the Sufian cement industry is currently heavily dependent on primary raw materials and operates in a linear economy. Implementing the recommended strategies would be expected to reduce the linearity index to below 1 and increase the rotation index to above 0.1. These findings indicate a positive shift towards a circular economy.
Conclusion: The findings of this study reveal that the Sufian cement industry is currently totally based on linear economy, but it can, through implementing the relevant strategies, potentially transit to a circular economy, which will increase the factory’s net profit, protect resources and reduce CO2 emissions.

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