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Showing 42 results for Age

K Holakoui Naieni , H.r Sadeghipour Rodsary , H Pishva , Z Panahandeh , P Assasi ,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2003)

This is a descriptive and analytic study of growth and nutrition indices in 1624 children under 5 years of age who received servicesfromPHCcentersknownasHealthHouses) in Islamshahr, Qom and Rey catchment areas.We used data from family health files to construct standardized Z-scores for the following indices: weight for age,heightfor age, and weight for height Analysis of data showed that : some 5.4 percent of children were underweight (1.6% , 4.4% , 6.6% in Islamshahr, ReyandQomerespectively). Overall, 24.4 percent were suffering from low height for age (stunting) (11.5% , 19.1% , 28.6% in Islamshahr, Rey and Qom respectively) and 4.45 percent of children had low weight for height (wasting) 6.3% , 2.2% , 5% in Islamshahr, Rey and Qom).There was a statistically significant relationship between low weight and :a) higher birth order (p= 0.009).b) the presence of frequent plateaus (0.003) and downslopes (p=0.01) on the child's growthchart (p=0.01). In Qom, there was also a significantly greater risk of low weight for children with longer nursing periods (p= 0.0005) and those who spent more time on exclusive breastfeeding (p= 0.005).
R Dastjerdi , H Eftekhar Ardebili , A Poorreza , N Assasi , B Golestan ,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (5-2004)

We performed a cross sectional study with the aim of assessing levels of habitual physical activity and associated factors (barriers and motivators), finding the stage of change among high school girls, and exploring relationships between physical activity and the following set of factors: age, parent education, type of school attended, knowledge, and attitude. 457 girls in the 1SI to 3rd grade of high school with a mean age of 15.6 (%95.3 cases were 14th to below 17Ih years old) in Tehran&aposs second region of educational office district were selected via proportional-to-size and cluster sampling methods. These girls attended 4 different types of facilities (public and private high schools / public and private vocational schools). The data were gathered through self-administered questionnaires. Our results indicated that %58.6 of students were in pre-contemplation and contemplation stages, while 24.7% were in action and maintenance stages of change.
The mean level of physical activity at work (in school) was 2.22, which was significantly lower than 2.75- the minimum acceptable level of physical activity at work (p<0.00 ). The mean level of sport activity was 2.73, significantly (p<0.001) higher than 2.33 (minimum acceptable level of sport activity). The mean level of physical activity at leisure time was 2.50, which had no significant difference with the minimum acceptable level of 2.50. (Note: all max. acceptable level is 5).
The most important barriers identified were: time constraints, lack of companions, lack of suitably located facilities and a general state of lassitude.
The most important motivators were individual interest, desire to lose weight, company of friends, and support of parents. The level of exercise did not show a significant relationship with age, probably because of the limited range of age categories enrolled in this study. Levels of physical activity at work and sport activity (p=0.004 for and p=0.012 for sport) showed a significant positive relationship with the mother&aposs level of education. No significant relationships were found between any type of physical activity and the father&aposs education. The level of sport activity in private high schools was significantly (p=0.005) higher than in public high schools. On the other hand no significant differences were observed between levels of physical activity in private or public high schools compared to private or public vocational schools. Only sport activity had a significant positive relationship with higher knowledge (p=0.005) and attitude (pO.OOl).
The majority of our population (%58.6) was in pre-cont. and cont. level of stage of change. Therefore more emphasis should be placed on improving health education. We must also teach our teenagers to organize their leisure time so they can do some simple and inexpensive physical activities like brisk walking between home and school or while shopping.

M Arab , F Akbari , M Mahmodi , E Sadaghiani ,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (7-2004)

People, government and Health Insurance organization’s (HIO) spend a great deal of mony each year in Health sector. They expect an effective and acceptable outcomes as well as wellutilization of all resources (including Human Resources). The goal of this article is studying the effects of managerial styles employed by Hospitals heads on operational indices among Iran’s public hospitals. The study is a cross- sectional one and data collected cross- sectionally. Study population includes 355 public hospitals which were divided in 3 categories as large (>400 bed) medium (200 – 400 bed) and small (<200 bed). A questionnaire was used for data collection and interviews also conducted for the same purpose. The questionnaire included question about styles of leadership as well as operational indices. Leadership types determined as lycert models (4 styles). Findings demonstrate the effects of Hospitals head’s leadership styles on increase of decrease of outcome indices among study population. A cording to the findings participatory management has had more positive effects on the indices than the 3 other styles had.

G.h Veghari ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2005)

Obesity is a major health and nutrition problem all over the world. This was a cross-sectional study and the sampling method was of the component type (cluster and simple sampling). 2854 women who had children under 5 years of age participated in this study. The data were recorded by 20 trained interviewers using a questionnaire. Subjects were weighed on scales and had their height, waist circumference, and hip circumference measured by a meter. Pregnant women were not included in this study. Economic status was categorized based on possession of 10 consumer items considered necessary for modern-day life (Low >=3, Moderate = 4-6 and Good = 7-10). Three ethnic groups were compared in this study: Fars (native), Turkmen, and Sistani. The mean age was 28.2 y. Body Mass Index (BMI) in ranges of (25-29.9), (30-39.9) and (≥40) was observed in 28.3%, 15.9% and 0.5% of the subjects respectively. The frequency of BMI over 25 among Fars, Turkmen and Sistani mothers was 64.3%, 43.4%, and 32.9% respectively. The difference between the three groups was statistically significant (P<0.02). In 39.1% of these women, the Waist to Hip ratio (WHR) exceeded 0.8 and the index was higher in Turkmen women compared with other groups. The frequency in women with low, moderate and good economic status was 34.7%, 50.8% and 55.9% respectively, but these differences were not statistically significant. The prevalence of obesity in literate women is significantly higher than in illiterate women (p<0.04). On the whole, this study indicates that obesity is a common health problem among women in the rural areas of Gorgan. There is a relationship between the prevalence of obesity and higher economic status. Therefore, educating women on optimal nutrition and changing their food habits would be very important.
E Jaafari-Pooyan , F Akbari-Haghighi , M Mahmoodi ,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2005)

Evaluation assures the success of each project, program or activity. It is one of the most important components of any management process. Because of its high importance, loss of an effective evaluation mechanism in a hospital not only increases costs, but also endangers community health. The current study tries to assess the perceptions and expectations of hospital managers and decision-making boards in Hamedan regarding the evaluation system and to determine gap between them. This is a cross-sectional study. Its target group in each hospital includes: head, manager, matron, emergency administrator, managers of medical records, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy sections plus the afternoon and night shift supervisors. The study took the form of a census, involving a total of about 400 subjects.The data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using the SPSS program . Findings: 1. The highest levels of target group expectation regarding evaluation indices were related to the “patient safisfaction” index. 2. The highest levels of target group perception of the evaluation indices were related to the “ values and norms” index. 3. All the gaps detected between target group’s perception and expectation from evaluation indices were significant. 4.The highest percentage of difference between target group’s perception and expectation was related to the “staff satisfaction” index and the lowest one was related to the “values and norms” Index.
M Kargar , M Sarijlou , H Tabatabaei , F Abbassian , M Kargar , Sh Shahmahmoodi , K Holakouie Naieni , M Karimlo , M Nateghpour , H Sedighi , R Khavarinegad , T Mokhtari Azad, R Nategh ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (5-2005)

Human Enteroviruses replicate in gastrointestinal tract and are excreted to the sewage system through feces, so isolation of Enteroviruses from sewage can be considered as a sensitive indicator for virus cirulation in society. They are originally given the name of Enteroviruses, but the inadequacy of this term became apparent when some Coxackie and Echoviruses were also found in acute respiratory infections. Therefore, these viruses can produce acute or paraclinical infecions, the shedding of virus is more than 1010 virus per each gram of feaces. In this study, 63 sewage samples were obtained from the 6 main sewage disposal systems in Tehran by grab sampling: Direct, Pellet, Two–phase methods in 2 sensitive cell lines (Hep2 & RD) and neutralization test were used to determine Enterovirus circulation in one year. None-Typable Enteroviruses, E11 and E25 were isolated more frequently than other Entroviruses. Out of 63 sewege specimens, we isolated 13 (20.63%), 25 (39.68%) & 27 (42.83%) Enteroviruses by Direct, Pellet and Two-phase methods respectively.
H.r Gilasi , K Holakouie Naieni , M.r Zafarghandi , M Mahmoudi , M Ghanei , M.r Soroush , A Dowlatyari , A Ardalan ,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (6-2006)

Background and Aim: In breach of all international conventions, Iraq frequently used chemical weapons against both military and civilian targets in its 8-year war with Iran. The most frequently used agent was sulfur mustard. The effects of mustard gas may be divided into early and late categories. Late lesions, due to the agent's mutagenic and carcinogenic potential, are mainly the results of its action on intracellular particles, probably nucleic acids. Although the occurrence of cancer has been proved following long-term exposure, the presence of a carcinogenic effect in acute, short-term contact is still in doubt.
Materials and Methods: To determine the relationship between cancer and acute exposure to mustard gas, a historical cohort study was carried out in Isfahan province, involving 500 chemically-injured soldiers with at least one episode of exposure to mustard gas. The incidence of cancer and the death rates in these subjects were compared with similar rates from i) 500 unexposed soldiers in the same area and ii) nationwide figures.
Results: All the subjects were male. The mean age in the exposed and unexposed groups were 41(±10.8), and 40(±7.6) years respectively. Within the exposed group, the mean age at first exposure was 24.1(±13) years the mean age at first injury in the unexposed group was 23(±11) years. Eighty-one percent of the cases lived in cities and 19% in rural areas. For 395 persons (84.5%) in the exposed group, education was at high school level or below. Within the same group, 481 subjects (96.2%) were married. Sixty-three people (12.6%) were servicemen and 366 (73.2%) had civilian jobs. Three cases of cancer were observed in those exposed to mustard gas. No cases occurred in the unexposed group. Ten people in exposed group and 7 in the unexposed group were dead at the time of the study. Relative risks for cancer and death were estimated at 4.02 (CI 95% = 0.45-36.1) and 1.44 (CI 95% = 0.54-3.81) respectively.
Conclusion: The results failed to show a statistically significant relationship between cancer incidence and acute exposure to sulfur mustard.
M Karimlou , K Mohammad , K Azam , M.a Noorbala ,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Background and Aim: The present article attempts to define the current trend for age at first marriage, based on the nationwide Health Survey of 1999 and using the Brass model.

Material and Methods: The national Health survey was conducted in 1999 and involved 1/1000 of the total population, selected via cluster sampling (clusters of 8 households each).

The sample used for the present study consisted of 16000 women aged 15-49, including 3026 women in Tehran province. Variables used for analysis were current age, marital status, age at first marriage and residential area (urban/rural). The mean age at first marriage for married women was 17.8 years (sd=3.7) for the whole country, and 18.2 years (sd=3.7) for Tehran province.

Results: The Brass model fitted to the data revealed a significant decreasing trend for the proportion of married women in all age groups, especially in the 15-19 year-old category.

Conclusion: This obviously indicates an upward trend for age at first marriage.

K Mohammad, F Majlessi, H Namdari Tabar , A Safarpor , Z Laghaei , A Cheshmberah ,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2008)

Background and Aim: Considering the fact that injecting drug is the most common way of HIV transmission and having the point in mind that in spite of syringes availability, many of the IDUs still continue sharing needles, determining behaviors which lead them not to use HR packages seems invaluable. Determining the influential factors in sharing needles among IDUs who are Kermanshah's DIC clients and are provided with training program and HR Packages (syringes, needles, bleaching and condoms).

Materials and Methods: These subjects were studied in 2 steps. The first FGD (focus group discussions) and the second a cross sectional study. To gather data that we use a questionnaire based an FGG which includes: general characteristics, characteristics related to drug abuse and information about HIV.

Results: out 437 of cases that took part in the interview, 367 cases were IDUS. Among whom 28% individuals shared needles. The medium age was 33/4 and there was no significant difference between the two age groups. Only 27% were married. 61% of cases were unemployed. The unemployment rate among IDUs who share needles and syringes was a lat more significant (p=000) than those who don't share needles (P=000). The percentage of IDUs who share needles and don't living houses was higher than of those who live in houses (P=000). Most of cases started taking drugs before they were 20 years old.

Conclusion: Low Education degree unemployed, no married. Live in street, start IDUs in low age the period of referring to DIC were the most important factors for share needles injection

Mm Soltan Dallal, P Fazelifard, Sm Hosseini, F Saberpoor, F Fakharian, A Tabatabaei, S Vahedi, A Najjarian,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (2-2009)

Background and Aims: The ready-to-eat foods, before and after preparation, usually kept in a refrigerator before consumption for a relatively long time, increase the risk of food poisoning. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of refrigeration in the fast-food shops on the microbial contamination of fast foods.

Materials and Methods: A total of 100 samples, including 46 cooked beef livers and 54 cooked sausages were collected from fast-food shops in the south of Tehran and analyzed according to the procedures of the Office of Food Control Laboratories (OFCL). The samples were tested randomly for the microbial contamination on the first, third, fifth and seventh days of storage in the refrigerator.

Results: Results of microbial analysis showed that 35 cooked sausage samples (64.8%) and 34 cooked liver samples (73.9%) on the first day, 44 cooked sausage samples (81.5%) and 42 cooked liver samples (91.3%) after the third day, 47 cooked sausage samples (87.1%) and 44 cooked liver samples (95.6%) after the fifth day, and 50 cooked sausage samples (92.3%) after the seventh day were unfit for consumption Frying of the food items before consumption would decrease, though to a small extent, microbial contamination (P<0.05). Increased total micrbial counts of the food items, exceeding the respective standards, is the most important inhibitory factor for their consumption.

Conclusion: The results of this study showed that keeping cooked foods for a long time in the refrigerator causes increased microbial contamination over time.

M Arab, R Khabiri, A Pourreza, J Saeedpour, H Zeraati, A Mohammadnegad,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (10-2009)

Background and Aim: Organizational centralization, an important concept/system in management, relates to hierarchy of authority and degree of participation in decision-making. In this study we aimed to determine the extent of organizational centralization in hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Tehran, Iran and identify factors affecting the organizational centralization at the level of executive managers.

Methods and Materials: All the managers and head nurses of 13 TUMS hospitals (26 subjects) were included in this cross-sectional study in 2005. Data, collected using questionnaires, were analyzed using the following tests: t-test, ANOVA, Pearson and Spearman, the software being the SPSS. The extent of organizational centralization was categorized into centralized, semi-centralized, and uncentralized.

Results: Five of the 5 variables studied were statistically significantly associated with organizational centralization. They were gender (p=0.001), organizational position (p=0.005), attending management courses (p=0.001), and financial burden of decisions (p=0/03) in the hospital managers group, and possibility of controlling the decision (p=0.014) in the head-nurses group.

Conclusion: The average organizational centralization in the hospitals was 75.38% it was 76.3% and 73.38% for hospital managers and head-nurses, respectively. On the whole, the management system of TUMS hospitals is a semi-centralized system.

H Edallat, M Akhondi , M.r Abaei , M Abolhassani , M.t Sadeghi , M Kazemi , H.r Basseri ,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (10-2009)

Background and Aim: Determination of the age of vector mosquitoes is of particular importance in epidemiological studies of diseases transmitted by them, such as viral and parasitic diseases. The objective of this study was to determine the daily age of Anopheles stephensi based on changes in pteridine concentration in female mosquito cuticles by liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Methods and Materials: Females of Anopheles stephensi were raised in an insectary (28° C, 70% relative humidity). At 1, 5, 10, 15, 25, 30 days post-emergence they were divided into groups of 10 mosquitoes each. The mosquitoes in each age group were further divided into 3 subgroups of 10 each for chromatographic (HPLC, emotion = 355 nm and excitation= 465 nm) pteridine extraction. The chromatograms obtained were compared with the respective standards to determine the types of pteridines.

Results: Four types of pteridines were detected in the cuticle of Anopheles stephensi, including isoxanthopteridine, pteridine-6-carboxylic acid, biopteridine, and xanthopteridine. They were all present in all the cuticle of the mosquitoes however, no biopteridine in the head or xanthopteridine in the thorax were found. Generally, as the age of the mosquitoes increased, pteridine concentrations kept declining, such that after 30 days the total concentration reached 10% of the original.

Conclusion:The findings indicate that there is a negative correlation between the concentration of pteridines in the cuticle and daily age of female mosquitoes. The method described can be used as a standard method to determine the daily age of Anopheles, as well as of other mosquito species, since it is fast and precise and needs small samples. Its major limitation is non-availability of HPLC in many parts of the country, although it is possible to freeze dead mosquitoes and transfer them to centers where HPLC is available.

M Morowatisharifabad, H Nadrian, A Falahi, M Mohammadi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Background and Aim: Based on WHO reports, there are about 100-150 million people with asthma around the world and the number is increasing. Asthma is a prevalent disease and permanent self-management is needed in order to control the symptoms and maintain the normal action of the lungs and a normal level of activity. The Green's Model of Health Education Planning provides a systematic process for planning, implementation and evaluation of population health promotion programs and is used in a broad range of issues in health promotion, including self-management in asthma. This study was carried out with the aim of determining predictors of self-management behaviors in patients with asthma in Yazd, Iran, based on the above-mentioned model.

Methods and Materials: In this cross-sectional study convenience sampling was employed to recruit 94 outpatients with asthma from among those referring to Shaheed-Sadooghi Clinic in Yazd, Iran. Data were collected using a questionnaire based on the Green's Model constructs, consisting of predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors and self-management behaviors. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire were assessed prior to data collection.

Results: The subjects acquired 49.5%, 68.6%, 67.3%, and 61.2 % of the earnable scores for self-management behavior, predisposing factors, reinforcing factors, and enabling factors, respectively. Predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling variables had positive correlations with self-management behaviors (p<0.01) and accounted for 34.6% of the self-management variance. Predisposing factors were the strongest predictor (β = 0.480).

Conclusion: It is concluded that the Green's Model of Health Education Planning can be used in developing countries, such as Iran, as a framework for planning intervention programs in an attempt to improve the self-management behaviors of patients with asthma. Designing and implementing educational programs aiming at promoting self-management behaviors in asthmatic patients with emphasis on predisposing factor enhancement is recommended.

M Ranjbar Ezatabadi, M Arab , H Zeraati , A Akbari Sari , H Dargahi ,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Background and Aim: Domestic violence against women is a serious public health problem and women adopt different solutions to fight against it. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intimate partner violence and views of women
on adopting ways to fight against it in Arak city, Iran, year 2008.

Methods and Materials: In a cross-sectional study in Arak city in 2008, a total of 1037 women were interviewed. The data collected were analysed statistically.

Results: Findings showed that the common types of abuse were emotional (64.6%), verbal (57.1%), financial (32.3%), and physical (26.8%). The women mentioned that the most efficient ways they chose to counteract the abuses were as follows: resuming talking after the settlement of quarrels (93%), keeping silent on the part of one of the partners (81%), and seeking advice from the older members of the family (81%). The considered going into a temporary sulk (51%) and reciprocation (46%) ineffective methods. Correlations were found between violence on the one hand and education, job, addiction of the spouse, income of the spouse, mental disorder of the partner, and number of children on the other hand (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Results of this study show that a large number of women are subjected to different types of violence. It seems that increasing awareness of married women and girls concerning effective counteractive methods can be an effective step in solving this social problem.

A Keshtkaran, F Mohabati, S.p Hedayati, A Roshanfard,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2-2010)

Background and Aim: The most important principles in an organization are continuous development and survival. Nowadays, creativity and innovation are vital for survival in a competitive world. The thinking style of a manager in an organization is an important factor in his/her creativity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between thinking style and organizational innovation in 84 senior and junior managers of Shiraz educational hospitals in 2008.

Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study 84 top and mid-level managers of Shiraz teaching hospitals were selected by the census method. Data were collected using two standard questionnaires, one for thinking style and one for innovation, the content validity and reliability of which had been confirmed. A preliminary test showed the Cronbach's alpha for the thinking style and organizational questionnaires to be 0.83 and 0.72, respectively. Data analysis was performed using Spearman correlation test.

Results: The Spearman correlation analysis showed a statistically significant, although weak, relationship between thinking style of senior and junior managers of Shiraz teaching hospitals and their organizational innovation. A pragmatic thinking style had the strongest association with organizational innovation.

Conclusion: The thinking style of a teaching hospital manager plays a vital role in his/her creativity. No thinking style is particularly preferred any thinking style may give desirable results as regards creativity of a manger, depending on the circumstances and conditions.

A Jonidi, M.r Jafaripour, M Farzadkia,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Background and Aim: Inadequate management of biomedical waste can be associated with risks to healthcare workers, patients, communities and their environment. In this study a comprehensive survey was conducted to obtain information on the management of solid wastes in Qom hospitals.

Materials and Methods: Field visits were made to 2 private and 4 governmental hospitals to collect the required information and weighing the solid wastes generated. In addition, supplementary information was collected using a modified World Health Organization questionnaire.

Results: The results showed total the average generation rate of solid waste in Qom hospitals was 3057.55 kg/day. The shares of general, infectious, sharp, and pharmaceutical and chemical solid wastes were 1523.6, 1520.6, 12.72 and 0.93 kg/day, respectively. The results on various aspects of solid waste management indicate that practices in the hospitals do not comply with the principles stated in the respective Iranian regulations. Similarly, the segregation process was inefficient. No information was available concerning the quantity and quality of solid wastes.

Conclusion: Development of suitable waste management schemes and plans are strongly recommended. In addition, establishing training programs on proper waste management for all the personnel involved (managers, physicians, nurses, workers) are essential. These actions, plus effective supervision, will result in considerable reductions in hospital solid waste disposal cost

F Radfar, Mj Hozoori, S.s Tavafian,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (8-2011)

Background and Aim: The objective of this study was to determine and compare the attitude of hospital staff and practice of hospital managers regarding management of conflicts in hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical sciences.

Materials and Methods: The participants in this cross-sectional study were 330 individuals, including 300 nurses and 30 managers, working in hospitals affiliated to Tehran university of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran during 2008-2009. Data were collected using a valid self-administered questionnaire containing 30 questions designed by the investigator. The SPSS software was used for data analysis.

Results: The data show that 178 of the staff (59%) and 14 of the managers (47%) were of the opinion that avoidance is not utilized in conflict management. The proportions of the staff and managers believing that problem solution is not utilized in conflict management were 60% and 60%, respectively the corresponding proportions as regards not utilizing avoidance were 178% and 14%. Furthermore, 40% of the staff and 13% of the managers thought that usually compromise is utilized in conflict management. Finally, the proportions of staff and managers who thought that in conflict management accommodation is utilized were 41% and 43%, respectively.          

Conclusion: The findings show that the hospital staff believes that hospital managers with an avoidance, problem solution or forcing attitude base their conflict management style accordingly, while managers more inclined to compromise do not utilize a compromising approach in practice.

Azar Tol, Gholamreza Sharifi Rad, Ahmad Ali Eslami, Fatemeh Alhani, Mohammad Reza Mohajeri Tehrani, Davoud Shojaeezadeh,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2012)

Background and Aim: Diabetes mellitus is a widespread disease. Diabetes patients should be fully familiar with the different dimensions of this chronic disease and possess the skills required for self-management and self-care. They should realize that each patient is a different case. It is to be noted that promoting self-management behavior is an essential component of case management in type-2 diabetes mellitus. The objective of this study was to assess self-management behavior of type-2 diabetes patients in Isfahan, Iran and determine factors influencing it.  

Materials and Methods: This was a 6-month cross-sectional study conducted in 2011. The study population was type-2 diabetes patients consulting an outpatient diabetes center in Isfahan, Iran. The sample included a group of 350 patients selected by the continuous sampling method. The self-management behavior of the patients was assessed using a diabetes self-management instrument (DSMI), containing questions on 5 domains. The responses were rated on a 5-point Likert scale and SPSS software, version 11.5 was used for analyzing the collected data.

Results: The response rate was 88%. The majority of the patients were 50-60 years (55.52 ± 8.42) old and 54.3% of them demonstrated borderline metabolic control according to the World Health Organization criteria. Mean scores of self-integration, self-regulation, interaction with health professionals and other influential persons, self-monitoring blood glucose, and adherence to recommended regime were 33.67±6.36, 29.09±5.9, 27.08±4.81, 11.71±3.91 and 11.46±2.9, respectively. On the whole, the global diabetes self-management behavior seemed to be not quite desirable (the score was at an intermediate level). Further analysis of the data revealed that self-management behaviors (at 3 levels, namely, desirable, intermediate, and undesirable) had significant associations (p<0.001) with demographic (age, gender, marital status, education level) and health-related (duration of diabetes, diabetes-related diseases, diabetes complications, general health, type of treatment, family income, and serum HbA1C level) variables. Self-management behavior had no association with disease history 

Conclusion: Empowerment of patients afflicted with diabetes and, more generally, non-communicable diseases, which are quite prevalent and on the increase, in the area of self-management at the individual and community level will be a vital step towards promotion of health of the population.

Sahand Jorfi, Abbas Rezaee, Nemat Allah Jaafarzadeh Haghighi Fard, Ghasem Ali Mohebali,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Background and Aim: Problems related to conventional Fenton oxidation, including neccesity of having a low pH and production of considerable amounts of sludge, have prompted researchers to consider chelating agents to improve the pH operating range and iron nano-oxide particles to reduce excess sludge. The main objective of this study was to remove pyrene from contaminated soils by a modified Fenton oxidation method  at neutral pH.

Materials and Methods: Experiments were conducted using various concentrations of H2O2 (0-500 mM), iron nano-oxides (0-60 mM), reaction times (0.5-24 hours) and several chelating agents, namely, sodium pyrophosphate, ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid, sodium citrate, fulvic and humic acids, to eliminate pyrene from soil (concentrations of 100-500 mg/kg).

Results: The efficiency of removal of pyrene at an initial concentration of 100 mg/kg was 99 % at the following reaction conditions: H2O2 and iron nano-oxide concentrations of 300 mM and 30 mM, respectively pH=3 and a reaction time of 6 hours. The initial pyrene concentration of 100 mg/kg decreased to 7 mg/kg at optimum conditions using sodium pyrophosphate as the chelating agent at pH 7.    

Conclusion: The modified Fenton oxidation method, using iron nano-oxide at optimum conditions as defined in this research, is an efficient alternative for chemical remediation or pre-treatment of soils contaminated wih pyrene at neutral pH. 

Amir Ashkan Nasiripour, Mohammad Reza Maleki, Pouran Raeisi, Marzieh Javadi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (11-2013)

  Background and Aim : It is impossible to deny the threats and risks endangering the process of health care when offering the services. Confirming this fact does not mean ignorance the risk, or allowance to medical and nursing mistakes to happen however, it can mean approaching the problem to come up with practical solutions and minimize the risks in the process of providing health care services. The present study was conducted periodically as an applied multi-stage research.

  Materials and Methods : To do a model of clinical risk management, different authentic texts on risk management in health sector were reviewed focusing on the models available. All such models were tabulated, analyzed and compared together which resulted 62 primary variables. The variables were, then, validated being used in a questionnaire responded by 20 nurses and doctors which, this time, produced a confirmed questionnaire of 40 variables. After that, 215 subjects chosen through a random and a stratified sampling were asked to respond to that questionnaire, making an exploratory factor analysis as well.

  Results : This study was done, using principal components analysis as with a rotation of Varimax loadings showed a variety of factors (19 factors) available in the models of clinical risk management were loaded as "organizing and policy-making" factor. This factor illuminated a sum of 25.3% of variances in the model of clinical risk management. The results also showed the loading factor of variables as among 0.5 and 0.7 which indicated a fine correlation among them and the participants' view.

  Conclusion: It was concluded that "the best care of the patient is accepted as a common perspective in organization" and "the effect of the treatment team's clinical performance on their financial payments" are the most and the least important variables respectively with 0.739 and 0.548 as factor load.

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