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Showing 7 results for Breast Cancer

A Ardalan , K Holakouie Naieni , M Mahmoudi , R Majdzadeh , P Derakhshandeh Peykar ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (5-2006)

Background and Aim: Limitations of the traditional methods for assessing G*E interaction- including case-control studies- led to development of several non-traditional approaches. This study aims to assess the interaction between the genetic background (history of breast cancer in first degree relatives) and environmental influences (reproductive/menstrual factors) in patients with breast cancer we also compare the statistical efficiency and power of case-control and case-only designs in this setting.
Materials and Methods: In a matched case-control study in Mazandaran province (Iran), 250 incident biopsy-proven cases of breast cancer and 250 age-matched neighbor controls were interviewed. History of breast cancer in mother and/or sister(s) was taken as a surrogate measure of genetic predisposition, while age at first birth, parity, breast feeding, age at menarche and irregular menstruation were considered as relevant environmental factors. For the matched case-control design, we used a conditional logistic regression model to examine main effects and the G*E interaction. In the case-only design, logistic regression analysis was applied to obtain an estimate of G*E interaction, after checking for the independence assumption. We also calculated the power for detecting the interaction by matched case-control and case-only analyses.
Results: Age at first delivery did not meet the assumption of independence (p=0.02), and so was not included in the case-only analysis. No statistically significant interaction effect was seen in the case-control analysis, while case-only analysis showed significant negative interaction between disease in first-degree relatives on the one hand and parity and breast feeding on the other. We also detected a significant positive interaction between genetic predisposition and age at menarche. All the estimated 95% confidence intervals for OR in G*E interactions were narrower in the case-only analysis. For all factors, the power for detecting G*E interaction was greater in the case-only analysis compared to the case-control analysis, with ratios ranging from 1.08 to 2.23.
Conclusion: The case-only design is more efficient and powerful than the case-control design for detecting gene-environment interaction under the assumption of independence. Baseline disease risk, interactions and independent effects should be considered in using the control data for checking the assumption of independence. Considering the existence of another explanatory variable, eg. a mutant gene which may have passed unnoticed, would be the safest approach in a case-only study.
M Shokoohi, A Keshavarz, S Majdzadeh, F Siassi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2008)

Background and Aim: Breast carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in women. It has been estimated that 8-9 percent of all women will develop breast cancer during their lifespan. According to The Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, the incidence of breast cancer in Iran has risen between 1984 and 1988 and the current mortality rate from this kind of cancer ranks fifth in the country.

Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 110 patients with breast cancer (ages 20-60 yrs) were compared with a similar number of age- and sex-matched women hospitalized for other reasons. Cases were women with histologically confirmed in situ or invasive breast cancer diagnosed no more than 1 year before the interview and with no previous diagnosis of cancer at other sites. Controls were drawn from either patient relatives or from women with no history of cancer admitted to Imam Hospital for acute, non-neoplastic, non-gynecologic conditions unrelated to hormonal or digestive tract disease or to long-term diet modifications. We calculated odds ratios and performed Mantel-Haenzel as well as logistic regression tests to control for potential confounding factors.

Results: Odds ratios [with 95% confidence intervals] for total fat, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and cholesterol were 1.97 [1.062-3.67], 1.19 [0.64-2.14], 2.2 [1.17-4.13], 4.11 [2.2-7.65] and 0.45 [0.25-0.83], respectively. After adjusting for energy, macronutrients, weight, age at first full-term pregnancy and the socioeconomic status, it emerged that the intake of PUFA (OR=6.38 and 95%CI: 1.95-20.83) had a positive association with breast cancer while cholesterol (OR=0.22 and 95%CI: 0.09-0.55) showed a negative relationship, though the latter finding only applies to menopaused women.

Conclusion: Undoubtedly, dietary factors involved in the etiology of breast cancer take many years to cause any pathologic changes in any organ. Nonetheless, one-year frequency of lipid intake is a good measure of individual's dietary habit throughout his/her adult life. Based on this, the present study suggests that increased PUFA intake- probably due to its high pro-oxidant potential- can be considered as a key factor in the rising incidence of breast cancer in Iran.

Mohsen Shamsi, Hadi Neyestani, Hassan Ebrahimipour, Habiballah Esmaeili, Ali Vafaei Najjar, Maliheh Nosrati,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2014)

  Objectives: The role of mammography in early detection of b reast cancer is evident and persuasion to do that is very important in health sector. Majority of the interventions are based on education and informing and there has been less attention to making mammography cost beneficent. This study aimed at assessing the effect of a social marketing-based intervention to persuade to do mammography in Bojnord.

  Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, two villages around Bojnurd with similar demographic characteristics, considered as intervention and comparison groups randomly. All 35- years and older women consist of 343 women (151 in intervention and 191 in comparison groups) were identified. To obtain the main idea for intervention, and exploring the viewpoints of target group about mammography, a formative research combined of a quantitative survey (through completing the questionnaire for assessing the women’s attitudes based on health belief model) and a qualitative study (through establishing four focus group discussions) was done. According to the gathered and analyzed data, an intervention focused on the main barriers designed and implemented through four weeks. One week after the intervention, the number of mammograms in two villages was determined and compared.

  Results: Quantitative survey showed that the mean of the scores related to expending time and high economical costs (perceived barriers) not remember to do mammography and fear of exposure to x- ray is less than other constructs. In qualitative study, time expending and high economical cost considered as two main factors related to not doing mammography. After the intervention, 48.1 percent of the women in intervention group went to do mammography and there are no change similar results in comparison group.

  Conclusions: Educational interventions are not enough to persuade women to do mammography and we have to consider their perceived barriers and concerns. One of the most effective approach to promote an idea, behavior or service, is identifying the viewpoints of target group and design them as consumer- oriented programs. So, acceptance of the idea and behavior will be cost-beneficent.

Mahmoud Reza Gohari, Parisa Mokhtari Hesari, Zeynab Moghaddami Fard, Reza Khoda Bakhshi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2014)

  Background and Aim : identifying the risk factors for metastasis is major concern for treatment processes of cancer patients. Metastasis makes patients frail and increase hazard of death. It also decreases physical and psychological quality of life of patients. Aim of this study is determining of prognostic factors for metastasis of breast cancer using conditional regression model.

  Materials and Methods: in this survival study, hospital records of 246 women with breast cancer who underwent surgery and treatment at hospital Fayyazbakhsh were used. Patients were followed until 2012 May and their final situations recorded. Metastasis free survival estimated with Kaplan-myier method. To determine the prognostic factors, a conditional regression model called PWP fitted. All statistical analysis was conducted with R software, version 2.10.

  Results: 202 patients (82.1%) were alive until follow up and 44 patients (17.9%) died.54patients experience metastasis. 11 patients (4.7%) had two metastases. Most of metastases were shown in bone, liver, lung and brain. Median metastasis free survival (MFS) estimated 64 month. One, two and three year MFS were 88%, 80.1% and 76.6%, respectively. Lymph node involvement and HER2 were shown as prognostic factors for metastasis. Age, Esterogen Receptor, Prosterogen Receptor, Grade and tumor size were not significant ( P> 0.05).

  Conclusion: number of lymph nodes involvement as a prognostic factor involve more nodes and increase risk of metastasis and death. Thus prognosis and treatment of cancer in early stages increase survival of patients.

Behjat Marzbani, Parvaneh Taymoori, Bijan Nouri,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Aim: The incidence of breast cancer in women is expected to rise sharply over the coming decades in Iran. The aim of this study was to determine risk factors for breast cancer in under-50-year-old women during the period 2013-2015 in Kermanshah, Iran.

Materials and Methods: This case-control study was carried out in Imam Reza Hospital and private clinics of oncologists (three clinics) in Kermanshah, Iran. The participants were 202 patients with breast cancer and 398 without breast cancer. Subjects of the experiment group were selected from among patients in the Departments of Oncology, Radiation Therapy, and Chemotherapy of the hospital, while the control group subjects were selected from among outpatients referred to specialty and subspecialty departments and private clinics of the hospital (outpatient, oncology, gynecology, ophthalmology, sonography, ENT, infertility). The two groups were matched for age. Data were collected by interviewing the subjects, the Gill standard questionnaire and the patients’ files and analyzed using the STATA software (version 12) ─ Odds Ratio (OR), 95% Confidence Interval (CI) and the Conditional logistic regression model.

Result: The following variables were found to be the most important risk factors for breast cancer among under-50-Year-old women: a family history of breast cancer in second degree relatives, an age of 18-35 years at the first childbirth, and a history of a benign breast lump.  

Conclusion: It is recommended to conduct further studies on the subject with due consideration of other risk factors for breast cancer, as well as education of women about breast self-examination  and importance of periodic clinical examinations.

Marzieh Mohammadpour, Mehdi Yaseri, Mahmoud Mahmoudi, Rasoul Entezar Mahdi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Background and Aim: Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in women and is the second cause of mortality due to cancer in women, with lung cancer being the first.

Materials and Methods: In this study we followed all the cases for 5 years, patients from West-Azerbaijan and East-Azerbaijan Provinces that diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 and 2010 that attended to health cares. Using multivariate cure cox model for the influence of variables in this study.

Results: In this study 171 cases which suffering from breast cancer had the mean age of 55.9 ± 12.9 and the range of 23 to 89 years, in time of cancer diagnosis. Mean of patients follow-up was 51.7± 23.4 months with range of 11 days to 78 months. Overalls 52 death occurred and patient survival rate of 5 years was estimated 60. 6 percent. Eventually the two variables which are economic status and emergency hospitalization were found the two factors of pre-warning in long term survival of patient suffering from breast cancer.

Conclusion: Due to the findings, it seems using cure model in patients suffering from breast cancer was better than classical survival models.

Soodabeh Bassak Nejad, Mahtab Rahimi, Sasan Razmjo,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Background and Aim: The family relationships of parents suffering from cancer change following the onset of physical problems, the experience of depression and the lack of emotional access. This study aimed to compare the negative orientation of adolescent girls with mothers with and without breast cancer toward the problem, hopelessness and perceived stress.
Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. The statistical population was all the adolescent girls 13-18 years old referring to the oncology ward of Golestan Teaching Hospital in Ahvaz, Iran during a 6-month period accompanying their mothers suffering from breast cancer. The girls for the group with mothers with cancer (n=57, mean age 16.31 ±4.65 years) and the group with mothers without cancer (n=57, mean age 16.02  ±3.27 years) were selected using convenient and multistage sampling, respectively. Both groups completed the Robichuad and Dogus negative orientation to problem questionnaire, Beck Hopelessness Scale and Chohen Pecieved Stress Scale.  Data were analyzed using the one-way and multivariate analysis of variance (with a p<0.05 to show statistical significance) with the software SPSS-22.
Results: There were significant differences between the two groups as regards the variables of negative orientation toward the problem and hopelessness (F= 4.21; p<0.05), while no significant difference was found between them as regards perceived stress (F= 0.015 P= 0.90).
Conclusion: The children of cancer patients have psychological problems and, therefore, need guidance and support. Improvements in the psychological conditions of children will improve their relationship with their mothers, who will then feel more relieved.

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