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Showing 1 results for Discontinuation

F Yosefi Majd , H Eftekhar Ardabili , F Akbari Haghighi , H Zerati ,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (7-2003)

The Intrauterine device (IUD) is very effective in preventing pregnancy, it is the cheapestform of birth control in the long run, allows almost immediate return to normal life andwork, and it can be used as an alternative to hormonal methods of emergencycontraception.This study was designed to assess factors causing IUD iscontinuation. It is a cross-sectional study among 343 women in Urmia in 2001 who had had lUD'splanted back in 1998.Within 3 years, more than 50 percent had theirlUD's removed. The 1-year IUD survivalrate was 62 percent and the 3-year rate about 42 percent.54.5 percent of users had at least one complication (P=0.000). The main complications were: Bleeding 28.7% , Pain 27.3% and Infection 18.5%.In cases where the device was planted by a midwife, the overall removal rate was 62.5%(p= 0.009). Pregnancy rate was 0.49% per 100 woman - year and the IUD expulsion ratewas 6.5%o.Bleeding is clearly the most common complication. If cases are chosen more carefully, the effective life of device will probably increase.

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