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Showing 1 results for Educational Managers

Maryam Islampanah, Masoume Bluri Tabar, Elham Kavyani, Susan Lai,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2023)

Background and Aim: Technological education is considered a new model in the development of education, especially higher education, to promote cybernetic management and strategic intelligence of training managers, and can help the organizations to implement programs well. The purpose of this research was to develop a structural model of technological education for development of strategic intelligence and cybernetic management in managers of higher education centers in Kermanshah Province, Iran.
Materials and Methods: This study was a quantitative-qualitative research. In the qualitative section, saturation was achieved by 15 interviews, and in quantitative section 281 questionnaires were completed and returned to the researcher. The measurement tools used in the qualitative part were semi-structured questionnaires, based on which two researcher-made questionnaires were extracted, while in the quantitative part, theMcCobe's strategic intelligence questionnaire (2007) and researcher-made technological education and cybernetic management questionnaires were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS24 and Amos software.
Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated appropriateness of the measurement models obtained from constructed questionnaires. The structural equational model showed that technological education has a significant positive effect on cybernetic management and strategic intelligence.
Conclusion: Development of strategic intelligence in higher education centers leads to more interactions between managers and the faculty members and personnel, as well as constructive relationships between faculty members and students. Furthermore, strategic intelligence is a proactive approach that can be beneficial in all sections of higher education centers. Considering the relationships between the variables studied, it is suggested that the aforementioned results be used to reduce the challenges in the programs and activities of educational managers of education centers.

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