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Showing 17 results for Qualitative

H Kakooei , A.h Poornajaf ,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (5-2006)

Background and Aim: Lack of quantitative and qualitative data on the current status and the possible adverse effect of poor illumination necessitate the evaluation of the illumination system in the industrial section. To perform quantitative and qualitative assessments of illumination conditions in factories located in the west of Tehran and to look at the adverse consequences of insufficient illumination.
Materials and Methods:
Data were collected through objective measurements and interviews with 616 factory workers. We used a structured questionnaire for data collection.
Out of the total number of work sites inspected, 19.8% sufficient illumination, 46.1% had moderate illumination, and 29.7% work sites had illumination levels considered to be inadequate for precise tasks. Among those who worked in places with moderate illumination, 56.7% belonged to the 16-20 years age group 86.7% of individuals within this age group had to perform very precise tasks. Besides, 46.4% of the female workers and 45.7% of the males worked in places with moderate illumination .Work site observations and interviews revealed that those working under moderate and insufficient light commonly inhaled hazardous fumes and suffered from headaches and glare.
Conclusion: Factory work entails a variety of visual tasks. Besides creating a pleasant working environment, illumination of the workplace should provide sufficient amounts of light, visibility, luminance and contrast.
F Rezaei, R Majdzadeh, S Nedjat, B Golestan,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2008)

Background and Aim: Cigarette smoking is a global problem, but is decreasing in most developed countries. Reports from the East Mediterranean show that unlike the 5 other WHO regions, cigarette smoking has not decreased in this particular zone. There is a vital need to address the problem, especially in the adolescent population. This qualitative study looks at the motives behind the smoking tendency in boys aged 13-15.

Materials and Methods: The study consisted of 6 focus group discussions performed in Tehran orientation (intermediate) schools participants were male students aged 13 to 15 years. Purposeful sampling was used to draw in participants who were willing and able to take part in the group discussions. Each group was composed of 6-8 students, whose voices were recorded to determine themes and subthemes.

Results: Family and social factors have a more prominent role in creating the smoking tendency compared to individual factors. The most important elements are family history of smoking, having friends who smoke, poor parental control, conflicts at home, divorced parents, failure to consult with parents, easy availability and relative cheapness of cigarettes, and lack of information.

Conclusion: Serious attention must be paid to the social and family factors in the initiation of the smoking habit. Social and political institutions must come up with effective programs to control the social and family factors that have a role in creating the smoking tendency.

M Noori Sistani, E Marghati Kooi, M Taghdisi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2008)

Background and Aim: Puberty is a critical period in a woman's life. An important step in strategies designed to promote family and community health is determination of girls' health priorities and needs assessment at puberty. This study aims to illustrate the efficiency of need assessment approach in exploring and comparing the viewpoints of mothers, teachers and adolescent girls on girls' pubertal health in the context of the school. The findings would help plan better programs aiming at changing the heatlh behaviour of girls.
Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study 12 guidance school girls, 12 mothers and 7 teachers from District 6, Tehran were selected to participate in focus group discussions to prepare a semi-structured questionnaire. The content analysis method was used to analyze the results of discussions with the participants and complete the final questionnaire.
Results: The findings reveal the efficiency of the need assessment approach as follows: a wide discrepancy in viewpoints of the three study groups was identified in terms of pubertal health priorities, health needs of the girls, and pubertal health educational priorities. In addition, the results show a lack of a notion of comprehensive sex health education in the school.
Conclusion: The findings indicate that the need assessment approach is a useful way to plan and implement appropriate health education programs for adolescent girls.
L Salehi , H Efftekhar Ardabili, K Mohammad , M Taghdisi , A Jazayery , D Shogaeizadeh , A Rashidian ,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2008)

Backgrounds and Aim: Increased life expectancies and decreased fertility rates have led to ageing populations worldwide. This phenomenon is one of the most important public health challenges of the current century. Previous studies have shown that identifying factors affecting lifestyle and educational needs help in designing new strategies for health promotion. This study was conducted to investigate the preparedness of the elderly to adopt a healthy lifestyle and factors affecting it in the City of Tehran in 2007.
Materials and Methods: This qualtative study included 60 elderly persons from Tehran elderly centers, using the focus group discussion method. Sampling was targeted and a qualitative methodology was used for analysis of the data collected.
The results shows that different elderly persons have different views with regard to what physical and mental health is and what factors cause healthiness. They believe that regular physical activity is very beneficial but that there are many difficulties in performing regular physical activity. Most of the subjects are in the prepation, action and maintenance stages as regards physical activity. On the other hand, nearly all the subjects are in the precontemplation stage with regard to fruit and vegetable consumption, despite the many obstacles in following a healthy diet.
The findings of this study show that many factors influence adoption of a healthy lifestyle by the elderly. Bearing these factors in mind, appropriate educational strategies aiming at facilitating adoption of a healthy lifestyle can be designed.
Naria Abolghasemi, Effat Sadat Merghati Khoie,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2012)

Background and Aim: Demographic, physical, social and psychological factors make breastfeeding and its maintenance complex. Despite extensive breastfeeding promotion programs, no progress has been achieved. As breastfeeding is a phenomenon embedded in culture and folk perceptions, identification of its key determinants is essential when designing policies and implementing programs.

Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study, data were collected from 35 health professionals through a 4-day group interview using a structured questionnaire (open-end questions). The participants were purposefully recruited from among the health professionals attending a 4-day breastfeeding promotion workshop.

Results: The determinants of breastfeeding were categorized into 2 main domains, namely, people's perception of breastfeeding phenomenon and approaches employed in its promotion. The former domain was described by beliefs, demographic characteristics, social variables, and indigenous theories, and the later by practice in the cultural and social context, policies, interactions and practical skills.

Conclusion: From the participants' perspective, misperceptions of people can determine the degree of success or failure of a breastfeeding promotion program. Our findings confirm that people's perceptions are deeply influenced by their demographic characteristics, folk theories and social variables. As regards the breastfeeding promotion domain, the barriers are social-cultural factors rooted in the local beliefs and folk theories. The participants listed the breastfeeding promotion determinants as lactation policies and health providers' performance related to their skill in effective communication with mothers. Our findings also indicate that wrong beliefs, maternal and child diseases, caesarian section, and mothers' employment were believed to be deterrents in promoting breastfeeding in the community and that pediatricians, obstetricians and other health professionals can play key roles in the field. Based on our findings, we can further conclude that the phenomenon of breastfeeding and its maintenance are deep-rooted in social structure and cultural diversity. When designing and implementing breastfeeding promotion programs, local variables and determinants should be taken into consideration. 

Arezou Fallahi, Fazl Allah Ghofranipour, Fazl Allah Ahmadi, Beheshteh Malekafzali, Ebrahim Hajizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2013)

Background and aim: Oral and dental diseases limit an individual&aposs activities at the school, work place and home, leading to a loss of millions of work and school hours all over the world. The period of adolescence is critical as regards shaping of healthy behaviors related to oral and dental diseases. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe school pupils&apos viewpoints on factors influencing development of dental caries.  

Materials and Methods: A qualitative study with a content analysis approach was conducted to collect the perspectives of 18 Iranian students in 8 guidance schools selected by purposive sampling. Structured and semi-structured interviews were held to collect data. An informed consent was obtained and the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data was analyzed through an inductive approach of content analysis. In order to support the validity and rigor of the data, different criteria such as acceptability, confirmability and transferability were utilized.

Results: Data analysis could identify four major factors influencing dental caries development: "family interactions in dental health", "role of school in caring for teeth", "role of dentists in caring for teeth" and "effect of education in caring for teeth". The factors influencing caring for teeth and mouth had a greater significance.

Conclusion: The students&apos experiences, as observed in this study, can help in developing mutual trust between students and dentists, delivering better services in schools by relevant organizations, and designing more effective oral health interventions, with due consideration of vital role of the parents.

Shahnaz Rimaz, Effat Merghati Khoii, Fatemeh Zareie, Neda Shamsalizadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (8-2013)

  Background and Aim: Women perceive menopause differently. Beside biological changes, women experience menopause based on the cultural scenarios. The qualitative research presented here is about how Iranian women perceive menopause within cultural scenarios.

  Materials and Methods : Data was collected during 4 focus group sessions and 6 individual in-depth interviews of women aged 40 years and older. Informants were selected from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The sessions were facilitated by using a semi-structured inventory focus group. Content analysis was adopted using combined free and analytical coding to reduce data, to extract meanings, to categorize domains and to obtain themes .

  Results: We categorized our findings into four main domains: gender role, the changes in socialization, social interactions and supporting resources. Descriptions of the later domain are going to be reported in subsequent manuscript.

  Conclusion: The women's understandings of menopause are shaped based on the specific cultural scenarios. Menopause recognized as a factor which changes women’s life line. Meanings as 'Loosing femininity' and 'changes in women's roles in the community' describe women's gender role, social interactions and changes in the socialization throughout the menopause years. The women’s misconceptions, accumulated myths, and ignorance about femininity were evidenced based on narratives. The majority of women raised ‘role change’ as an important determinant in social interactions. Gender role changes as well as women's socialization patterns have forced women to accept loosing femininity as a reality. Developing comprehensive and culturally sensitive health services to address women's needs in the climacteric years is suggested .

Effat Merghati Khoie, Naria Abolghasemi, Mohammad Hossein Taghdisi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (11-2013)

  Background and A im : sexual health in children is difficult subject, does not deal with it formal method. Importance of Sex education of children is accepted in the world. The aim of this paper is describing the concept of sexual health from the viewpoint of children's famil y and identification norms of child sex education and determining sex education priorities of the parent's viewpoint.

  Materials and Methods: This is qualitative study. Samples were selected by targeted method of student's parents of five regional educated o f Tehran. Data were collected by focus group interview and discussion and were analyses by subject and content analysis.

The findings were classified in three main areas: 1) Family management 2) the role of school 3) framework of the religion an d traditions.


  C ONCLUSION onclusion : Most participants believed sexual health behavior in children is not health indicators. They implemented their family policies in management of Sexual behavior o f their children. In Family control was meant: restriction of sexual behavior in child as a norm. Culture of silence and connivance in management of children's behavior has become norm, because child's sexual behavior is inconsistent with traditional values of family. In identifying priorities of sexual education of children, progression interaction between home and school was known as the most deficits. They are acting their internal values in educational system of children because their conflict of values, norms and tastes difference has not been challenge. It is important and priority of parents to being prepared for the management of their children's sexual behavior .

Masoomeh Hashemian, Arezoo Falahi, Fardin Gharibi, Parastoo Falahi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2014)

Background and Aim: women’s barriers and beliefs are important in the care of teeth and oral health in family and it influence on family’s goals, values and health behavior. Depend on the role of women in shaping health behaviors in family and explain their experiences in the field of oral and dental diseases, the aim of this study was to apply grounded theory approach to develop a process about dental caries in women. Materials and Methods: A grounded theory design was used for data gathering and analysis. 23 participants including 18 women, 3 dentists and 2 spouses were chosen through purposive and theoretical sampling methods. Face to face and semi-structured interviews and two focus groups were held to gather data. Interviews were recorded, taped and analyzed via the grounded theory method developed by Strauss and Corbin. In order to support the validity and rigor of the data, different criteria such as acceptability, confirmability and transferability were utilized. Results: During the data analysis, the core category of “Promoting acknowledge for preservation of teeth” and five main themes of “destructive factors of teeth”, “maintaining dental”, “social and environmental factors”, “Effective believes in dental health”and“Trying to rebuild teeth” were developed. Conclusion: To prevent of oral and dental disease, promoting women’s awareness is not only individual factor but also family, dentist, social and religious believers and policies and executive systems are important. The findings of this study can be effective in designing educational appropriate models in women’s oral and dental health and also may be useful for developing educational context in dentists and policymakers.
Fatemeh Rahmanian, Masoumeh Simbar, Ali Ramezankhani, Farid Zaeri,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (5-2014)

  Background: Sexually transmitted infections are one of the most prevalent infections all over the world that impose significant morbidity on people. There are an increasing number of sexually transmitted infections in Islamic Republic of Iran during recent years. So developing and implementing programs for STIs prevention and control is considered as a health priority. While the role of gender based power in sexual relationships has in recent years been acknowledged, the understanding has largely lacked practical considerations in the STIs/HIV/AIDS prevention fields. This study aims to explore gender sensitive STIs/HIV/AIDS prevention services concepts and dimensions.

  Method : This study employed content analyzes research design. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 37 expert reproductive health managers and providers that selected purposively and then continued by snow ball method. Data collected by using semi-structured interview guide. The interviews were transcribed and typed. Data was analyzed according to content analysis.

  Results: 2 categories emerged as the result of data content analysis: 1) gender sensitive structure including employers, facilities and management dimensions 2) gender sensitive process including care and educational processes.

  Conclusion: providing gender sensitive STIs/HIV/AIDS prevention services need gender sensitive management, facilities and providers and gender sensitive care and educational design.

Zahra Malery Khah Langeroudi, Afarin Rahimi Movaghar, Shahnaz Delbarpour Ahmadi, Masoumeh Esmaeili,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (10-2014)

  Background and aim: In Iran, HIV prevalence in sex workers is reaching to an epidemic, but still consistent use of condoms is low. This qualitative study aimed to assess barriers to condom use in female sex workers (FSWs).

  Materials and Methods: We conducted individual in-depth interviews with 40 FSWs and 12 partners in the year 2010 in Tehran. The FSWs were purposefully selected from four different groups based on the level of socioeconomic status and history of using substance. Findings were extracted and coded manually and the responses of the groups were categorized and compared.

  Results: Almost all FSWs had not used condoms regularly in the past six months. The main barriers of condom use were: lack of awareness of the modes of transmission of HIV and prognosis of the disease, doubt on the role of condoms in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, fear of violence or rejection by male customers, reluctance of sexual partners to use condoms due to diminution of sexual pleasure, and believing in health of some customers.

  Conclusions: Increasing awareness of the FSWs through education about HIV, ways to prevent the disease and empowering them on negotiating skills to use condoms as part of harm reduction programs are recommended .

Ghobad Moradi, Minoo Mohraz, Mohammad Mehdi Gouya, Masoumeh Dejman, Seyed Ahmad Seyed Alinaghi, Sahar Khosh Ravesh, Hossein Malekafzali,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (10-2014)

  Background and Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the views of policy makers and key persons about national AIDS control politics.

  Materials and Methods : This qualitative study used purposive sampling. To collect data, the perspectives of six experts about AIDS were inspected. Framework analysis was used to analyze the data.

  Results: The results of this study showed that beside the strengths there are also significant weaknesses in making the policies, administering the existing policies, executing the programs in organizations, and planning new policies to control AIDS hence these problems and weaknesses must be identified to achieve the main goals of AIDS control program.

  Conclusion: AIDS is not only a health problem but a social, economical and cultural problem, which requires more attention from authorities and related organizations for developing and implementing policies in accordance with international guidelines. To achieve Millennium development goals (MDGs) in the context of AIDS it is essential for policy makers and key figures to consider more effective activities and measures in their agenda.

Effat Merghati-Khoei, Neda Shams Alizadeh, Alireza Bayat, Fatemeh Zarei, Shahnaz Rimaz,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (10-2014)

  Background and Aim: Health-risk behaviors are socially constructed and influenced by the given culture. Therefore, the health-risk behaviors are prioritized differently in diverse cultures. In this study, we aimed to explore the priority of health risk behaviors among high school students in Tehran.

  Materials and Methods : In this qualitative study using rapid assessment approach, we interviewed 130 individuals who voluntarily participated in the focus group discussions (FGDs, n=17). They were students (n=9 FGDs), the parents (n=5 FGDs), and the teachers (n=3 FGDs). Four of the principals were individually interviewed. Interviews focused on (1) perceptions about and description of healthy or unhealthy behaviors (2) priority of health risk behaviors in adolescents (3) perceptions and beliefs about the formation of the risk behaviors among adolescents. All sessions were embarked on the public schools located in the area five in West Tehran. After obtaining a written consent form from the participants, primary investigators and three of the trained facilitators (male and female) conducted the sessions. We employed content analysis to extract the major themes and sub-themes. The rigor of the data was obtained.

  Results : Addiction, risky sexual behavior, and social misconduct ion (aggression) were identified as the main concerns for the boys. Risky sexual behavior, early marriage, eating unhealthy habits, physical motionless, and fear of the future (job, education, marriage) were identified as the main health-risk behaviors for the girls.

  Conclusion : According to our findings, health risk behaviors are classified differently for boys and girls. However, sexual risk behaviors are common findings for both groups. The adolescents' risky behaviors are formed throughout their socialization and seriously influenced by the given culture. Understanding of gender schema was identified as an important factor in the way participants do priority health-risk behaviors of young people. Comprehensive and holistic health education and promotion programs targeting adolescents as well as training programs for parents are suggested.

Roya Safari, Narges Khanjani, Farid Najafi,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (1-2015)

  Background and Aim: Suicide by burning is one of the main health problems very common among women living in the west part of Iran. The objective of this study was to explore its causes and preventive strategies from the viewpoint of healthcare providers .

  Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative study, using semi-structured interviews, carried out in Kermanshah. The participants were the health care personnel working in Imam Khomeini Hospital, a teaching hospital and referral center in the west part of Iran. Sampling was purposeful and continued until data saturation. Data analysis was conducted through thematic analysis.

  Results: Four themes were extracted for the causes of self-immolation including cultural context, mental health problems, self-immolation as a way to highlight the outcry, and economic problems. As regards prevention strategies, two main themes, namely, cultural changes and mental education and services, emerged.

  Conclusion: Self-immolation is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. Different factors interact, resulting in self-immolation by women in stressful situations. Comprehensive preventive strategies such as education, as well as cultural changes, can help to reduce the burden of self-immolation.

Effat Sadat Merghati-Khoei, Leyla Jansar Hoseinie, Sanaz Ommaty, Fereshteh Golshani, Alireza Bayat,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Aim: Group therapy is one of the selective approacheseffective in addiction treatment, although it is not used extensively.Therefore, it is essential to assessthe current group therapy situation and determine its barriers andreinforcing factors inaddiction treatment settings.

Materials and Methods: This qualitative study was a rapid assessment designed and conducted in 2014-2015. Formal and informal data were collectedfrom 6 selectedcenters (n=55) bya multi-disciplinaryresearch team,using a systematic and semi-structuredapproach. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.

Results: Based on dataanalysis a descriptive model was obtained with two main items, namely, structure and implementation of group therapy and effectiveness process. These two main items were found to be composed of four descriptive sub-items, including structural determinants and effective determinants in group therapy, contextual features, content, acceptabilityand desirability of treatment.

Conclusion: The findings show that application and effectiveness of group therapy is desirable, but it is not used as a routine approach in addiction treatment centers. Barriers to expansion of group therapy include insufficient content, lack of a structured protocol, and lack of professionalcapacity building. The study also revealsthat group therapy is quite acceptableamong patients who have had the experience of being treated with this approach but less acceptable among those who are not familiar with it.

Leila Allahqoli, Azam Rahmani, Reza Ghanei Gheshlagh, Arezoo Fallahi, Masoumeh Hashemian, Hamed Fallahi, Babak Nemat-Shahrbabaki,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Background Aim: Job burnout among health educators is increasing with serious physical, psychological and social consequences. The purpose of this study was to explore the causes of job burnout from the perspective of health educators and identify their needs for reducing it.
Materials and Methods: This qualitative study was carried out in comprehensive health service centers of Sanandaj, west of Iran, in 2017, including 15 health educators selected by purposive sampling. The data were collected through individual interviews and semi-structured group discussions, observation and field notes and analyzed using the conventional content analysis approach with due consideration of acceptability, verifiability and transferability to ensure the accuracy and strength of the data.
Results: The causes of job burnout were extracted in 5 categories including "issues related to comprehensive health service centers", "individual challenges of staff members", "management weakness", "executive system challenges" and "issues related to clients". The participants emphasized the following actions for reducing job burnout: strengthening individual skills, effective evaluation and management support, providing recreational and welfare facilities, reducing job stress, and strengthening intra- and inter-sectoral communications.
Conclusion: The results of this study show that various factors contribute to job burnout among health educators. Improvements in management, laws and welfare facilities not only would reduce job burnout but also may increase the efficiency of health education programs.
Mohammad Javad Kabir, Alireza Haydari, Mohammad Reza Honarvar, Zahra Khatirnameni, Abbas Badakhshan, Narges Rafiei, Sakine Beygom Kazemi, Seyed Mehdi Sedaghat, Mehrdad Kamangari, Masoumeh Gholami, Maryam Eri, Mansoureh Lotfi,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Aim: The World Health Organization considers the implementation of the referral system to be a key step in improving the quality of services in health care systems. The purpose of this study was to explain the executive challenges of the electronic referral system in Golestan Province, Iran.
Materials and Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in Golestan Province, Iran in 2019 with a content analysis approach. The participants were family physicians, specialists, university staff managers, responsible health officers in the Offices of Deputy Ministers of Health, the General Directorate of Health Insurance, Department of Information Technology, Rural Health Network managers, health network managers and patients selected purposefully. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the content analysis method.
Results: The main challenges of giving appointments to patients included the lack of time of family physicians, the irregular presence of specialists, difficulty in getting an appointment, and reverse referrals. As regards referrals and waiting times, the main challenges were found to be the lack of sufficient admissions following cancellation of the health insurance contract with the private sector, the delay of physicians in attending the health centers, long waiting times to be visited, and writing the feedback by the physicians. In addition, the main challenges of the visits and diagnosis included the short visiting times, the higher quality of the specialists' visits in the private sector, and the lack of clear guidelines. Finally, the main challenges as regards giving feedback were the reluctance and noncommitment of some specialists to provide feedback, as well as the low quality and lack of usability of the feedbacks given.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, the following actions and measures may help improve the current situation as regards the current referral systems: allocating sustainable resources; allocating financial credits; designing and implementing a reward and punishment system; reforming the queuing system; empowering medical students; and equipping specialists with electronic pens for giving written feedback.

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