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Showing 2 results for Refinery

Seyed Mohammad Mojtahedzadeh, Kourosh Holakouie-Naieni, Shahrzad Nematollahi, Amir Hossein Mazarei,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Aim: Considering the protection of, and safeguarding, the health of industrial workforce, this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the personnel of Abadan oil refinery in the south-west of Iran and factors related to it.

Materials and Methods: The study included 721 oil refinery staff members randomly selected based on the yearly occupational health examination records. The information recorded included anthropometric measurements and blood test results; in addition, Breslow lifestyle and Global Physical Activity (GPAQ) questionnaires were completed for each subject.

Results: The mean body mass index (BMI) was 28.2 for men and 27.5 for women. The prevalence of obesity and overweight were 29.8% and 48.7%, respectively. Further analysis of the data showed that the prevalence rates were different between men and women; while 48.6% and 30.24% of the men suffered from overweight and obesity, respectively, the corresponding proportions among women were 50% and 15%. Overweight and obesity were associated with age, fasting blood glucose level, lipid profile and hypertension (in all cases    p < 0.001).

Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight and obesity among Abadan oil refinery staff is higher as compared to the mean values in the general population in Iran or to personnel of other industries globally. Development and implementation of public educational programs with particular emphasis on high-risk individuals, such as middle-aged people and those with a low socioeconomic status, and focusing on healthy lifestyle and rotation shift workers can be effective, resulting in improvements in physical and general health of the personnel.

Fariba Golestani, Zahra Abedi, Zahra Azizi, Reza Gholamnia,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2022)

Background and Aim: Due to the design features, facilities and the presence of crude oil materials or refined products from crude oil, the refining industry is prone to major accidents such as fire and explosions, which cause a lot of damages and losses. On the other hand, due to the development of intelligent technologies and drones (remote-controlled birds) and the widespread use of these technologies in various industries, the use of these new technologies in the oil and gas industry is inevitable. This case study was conducted with the aim of utilizing drone technology in fire crisis management in oil refineries in the Lavan Oil Refinery, Iran.
Materials and Methods: Data were collected using qualitative methods and literature review by combining keywords such as refinery, fire and explosion and drone, as well as holding semi-structured interviews with 15 informed and experienced persons from among refinery personnel. In order to identify internal strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) and external opportunities (O) and threats (T) the gathered data were analyzed using the basic SWOT model.
Results: Analysis of the data show the following strategies to be the results of the external threats and opportunities and internal strengths and weaknesses: Strength/Opportunity (SO), Strength/Threat (ST), Weakness / Opportunity (WO) and Weakness/Threat (WT).
Conclusion: The use of drones for monitoring (finding the location and source of fire), identifying (determining the exact location and extent of the fire), confronting and controlling (relief and rescuing, saving the lives of firefighters, firefighting) in the Iranian oil industry requires making changes in the capacity and levels of technology and the equipment and manpower.  Making these changes requires the support of managers and personnel of the oil industry in order to use this new technology and make it operational. In this way, fire crisis management in refineries can be implemented by using drone technology.

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