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Showing 1 results for Theme Analysis

Iman Zaghian, Seyyedeh Maryam Pourmusavi, Zahra Jannati, Hamed Moslehi,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (9-2024)

Background and Aim: Adolescence is a period of rapid biological, cognitive and neurological changes. The aim of this research was to conduct a cultural critique of the educational package of intra-family and extra-family communication for adolescents, which was implemented as part of the mental health services within the health network and based on Iranian-Islamic culture.
Materials and Methods: This qualitative study utilized the theme analysis method developed by Brown and Clark in 2006. The study population comprised all mental health contents within the health network. Targeted sampling was used to investigate the content related to communicating with adolescents. Data analysis involved the use of theme format analysis, theme network, and comparative analysis.
Results:  Data analysis resulted in the extraction of 30 primary, 4 secondary and 2 overarching themes. The secondary themes included respect for parents, social norms, moral norms and a lack of cultural norms, while the overarching themes included values and norms.
Conclusion: The findings of this study highlight the need to revise and rewrite the content of the family foundation-strengthening program for parents and adolescents.

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