Volume 63, Issue 2 (12 2005)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2005, 63(2): 124-128 | Back to browse issues page

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K. Karvandian, A. Ghiasi, K. Ghazisaidi. Evaluation Of Serum Potassium Ion Content Fluctuation In The Kidney Transplant Recipient Patients In Shariati Hospital. Tehran Univ Med J 2005; 63 (2) :124-128
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1038-en.html
Abstract:   (6648 Views)

Background: Chang in the serum K+ level may increase perioperative morbidity and mortality in kidney transplant recipients. Thus this research was done with the aim of evaluated of K+ change in kidney transplant recipients. Hence the following study was carried to evaluate the fluctuation of potassium ion in the kidney transplant recipient patients.

Materials and Methods: In a simple randomized clinical trial the serum K+ level was assessed in 40 kidney transplant candidates as following interval, pretransplantation, during renal art, anastomosis, after diuresis and post transplantation period. After hydration with 5 ml/kg normal saline all patient were undergone general anesthesia identically. They were premedicated fentanyl (2µg/kg), induction was performed by thiopental sodium (5 mg/kg). Tracheal intubation was facifitated with atracurium (0.6 mg/kg). Anesthesia was maintained with N2O + O2 50%, halothane 0.1% and fentonyl 1 µg/kg every 30 min.

Results: The least mean K+ level was during anastomosis (ie. 3.5±0.24 mmol/L) and showed a decrease in the serum K+ level compared to preoperative period (mean 4.4±0.48 mmol) (P< 0.001). The maximum serum K+ level detected preoperatively and postoperatively were 5 (mmol/ L) and 4.7 (mmol/L) respectively.

Conclusion: Despite the above results we inferred that range of serum K+ level was maintained within normal. Therefore with suitable pereoprative assessment hyperkalemia is a rare occurrence in transplant recipients.

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