Volume 61, Issue 5 (15 2003)                   Tehran Univ Med J 2003, 61(5): 389-399 | Back to browse issues page

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Azizi F, Etemadi A, Salehi P, Zahedi Asl S. Prevalence Of Metabolic Syndrome In An Urban Population: Tehran Lipid And Glucose Study. Tehran Univ Med J 2003; 61 (5) :389-399
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1167-en.html
Abstract:   (6711 Views)
The aim of the present investigation was to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome.
Materials and Methods: Metabolic syndrome was defined by the presence of three or more of the following components: abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL-C, high blood pressure, and high fasting glucose.
Results: In this study, 10368 of the adults (4397 men and 5971 women) aged 20 years and over, participated in Tehran Lipid and Glucose study. The unadjusted prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the study population was 30.1% (CI 95%: 29.2-31.0), and age-standardized prevalence was 33.7% (CI 95%: 32.8-34.6). The prevalence increased with age in both sexes. Metabolic syndrome was more commonly seen in women than men (42% vs. 24%, p< 0.001). Low HDL-C was the most common metabolic abnormality in both sexes. Except for high FPG, all abnormalities were more common in women than in men (p< 0.001). Most of those with metabolic syndrome had 3 components of the syndrome (58%), 33% had four, and 9% had five
Conclusion: This first report on metabolic syndrome from Iran shows a high
prevalence of this disorder, imposing serious impacts on health care system. Efforts
on promoting healthy diets, physical activity, and blood pressure control must be
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