Abstract: (6547 Views)
In this study we have selected in a simple random sampling, 391 diabetic women, among diabetic patients, who were attending to center of diabetes control in Yazd city in 1993. The patients were investigated in view of: Average of (age of marriage, number of marriage, age of the first pregnancy, number of pregnancies, the last fasting blood sugar), frequency and average of (early labours, alive borns, reminder alive borns, anomalous borns, history of abortions), and frequency of (diabetes in previous and next offspring, 15-49 years old women, the most common method of pregnancy prevention), and consideration of pregnant women situation. There were among under investigation patients, individuals who had more than 5 marriages, 25 pregnancies, 15 alive children, ten >4 Kgr born newborns, history of 14 times of abortions, and even 11 anormalous infants. The disease in every generation was common in females, and average of the last fasting blood suger in patients with >6 pregnancies was significantly more than patients with <6 pregnancies (P=0.0004). Finally, our principal purposes in this study were: Correct screening of pregnant women in view of diabetes mellitus, urgent follow up of the patients specially present patients, and more emphasis on specifc education about diabetes mellitus.