Volume 55, Issue 6 (1 1997)                   Tehran Univ Med J 1997, 55(6): 1-6 | Back to browse issues page

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Ansari M, Javadi E, Vosughi M, Nikeghbal V. Assessment of urinary L-fucose level in gasterointestinal and gynecological neoplasms. Tehran Univ Med J 1997; 55 (6) :1-6
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1605-en.html
Abstract:   (11700 Views)
L-fucose (6.deoxy. L.galactose) is the only monosacharide which is placed in non reducting position of glycoproteins structure in L-deoxy form. L-fucosidase and fucosy 1 transferase directly take part in the elevation or decrease of sorum L-fucose levels. Tumors may directly induce enzymes that release L-fucose from glycoproteins formed in the neoplastic tissue, or the glycoproteins may be released indirectly as a result of body-defense metabolic secretion of glycoproteins and their filtration in glomeruls, and has a close correlation with glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In this study we compared urinary L-fucose of 30 known cases of cancer versus 40 healthy people. Fifteen patients had Gastrointestinal (GI) cancer and 15 patients Gyneclologic (Gyn) cancer. There was significant difference between urinary L-fucose of patients with GI cancer and controls (P<0.01), and also we saw the same result (P<0.01) in Gyn patients in comparison with controls. Significant elevations of urinary L-fucose, in GI and GY cancers may lead us in the way to further evaluation of its relationship with L-fucose levels to make its early diagnosis and better prognosis in susceptible individuals and those at a high risk of developing cancer, possible.
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