Volume 54, Issue 2 And 3 (30 1996)                   Tehran Univ Med J 1996, 54(2 And 3): 6-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Bazargan S, Fatholahzadeh B, Tabraiie B, Moazammiie N. Rapid identification of vibrio-cholerae O1 by coaglutination test using mono-specifis antibody. Tehran Univ Med J 1996; 54 (2 and 3) :6-11
URL: http://tumj.tums.ac.ir/article-1-1673-en.html
Abstract:   (6266 Views)
In our investigation, rabbit hyper-immune serum to V.cholerae ogawa was absorbed with V.cholerae inaba whole-cells and vice versa. Applying ammonium sulphate precipitation method, mono-specific g globulins were purified and concentrated from the absorbed whole serum. These antibodies were fixed on staphylococcus cowan 1 NCTC-8325 whole-cells, using different chemical fixatives. It was observed that maximum fixation of g globulin to protein-A was achieved by 1-propanol 50% at 3 hours, which revealed through single radial immuno-diffusion techniqe. The rectal swab samples were cultured in an enrichment bile-peptons broth. After 5 hours 37°C while agitations, one drop of each sample was mixed with one drop of vibrio-cholerae bivalent mono-specific coagglutination reagent (VBCR). The results were read after 2 to 3 minutes. Finally though statistical analysis sensitivity and specificity of coagglutination test were calculated to be 95.1% and 99.2% respectively, when compared to positive & negative controls and conventional culture methods. Using VBCR, coagglutination test can be therefore considered as a simple, reliable and rapid method to detect V.cholerae O1 in the stool of patients in endemic area and less equipped laboratories
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