Abstract: (6400 Views)
This investigation aims to diagnose the incidence and complications of labor and delivery of grandmultiparity (GMP) in Tehran. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The incidence of high parity was 11%. 2) 47.3% of GMP women were within the age range of 14-16 years at their marriage time. 3) The infants of GMP women were born with lower apgar score than the infants of the control group. 4) The incidence of fetal distress was estimated up to 31.8%. 5) In 1.8% of cases, infants showed to have born with Down's syndrome. 6) Other congenital abnormalities showed no significant differences between the two groups. 7) The rate of stillbirth in GMP women was higher than that of the control group (4.5% vs. 1%). 8) Cesarean section performed in 25.5% of GMP women in comparison to 14.5% in control group