1- , khajavim@tums.ac.ir
Abstract: (7537 Views)
Background: Renal transplantation is the preferred therapeutic method for patients with end-stage renal disease. Patients with renal failure have significant associated medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease. The suitable anesthesia for renal transplantation requires minimal toxicity for the transplanted organ, as well as sufficient pain relief and maintenance of optimal blood pressure and intravascular volume to keep renal functions. The aim of this study was to improve our experience of spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing renal transplantation.
Methods: Sixty consecutive patients scheduled for elective renal transplantation over a period of two years who consented for spinal anesthesia were enrolled in the study. Intraoperative hemodynamic, intravenous fluids and infused blood products, duration of surgery, urine output and arterial blood gas and intensity of pain score in the recovery room were monitored. We also noted intraoperative and postoperative complications.
Results: Spinal anesthesia was satisfactory in all, but in five patients they required supplementation with general anesthesia for excessively prolonged surgery. There were no significant intraoperative hemodynamic changes. The total intravenous fluid used during surgery was 65.15±7.2 mL/kg, the mean surgical time was 170±22 min. The mean of mean arterial pressure (MAP) during the operation was 98±12 mmhg. There was no significant acidosis at the end of the operation (PH=38±0.03). Also the mean intensity of pain was 4±2 in recovery and a few of patients suffered from bladder catheter bladder discomfort in the recovery room (8 patients).
Conclusion: Spinal anesthesia is a successful regional anesthetic technique in well selected patients for renal transplantation. A successful outcome in this technique is dependent on close intra-operative monitoring, optimization of intravascular fluid volume and keep the hemodynamic status in optimal range.