Volume 5, Issue 1 (18 2005)                   ijdld 2005, 5(1): 25-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Yavari P, Siassi F, Jalali M, Mohammad K, Larijani B, Keshavarz A et al . THE IMPACT OF B-GROUP VITAMINS AND ANTIOXIDANTS ON SERUM LEVELS OF APOLIPOPROTEIN A1 AND B IN TYPE 2 DIABETES . ijdld 2005; 5 (1) :25-34
URL: http://ijdld.tums.ac.ir/article-1-381-en.html
Abstract:   (10998 Views)
Background: Lipoprotein abnormalities have been identified among the several risk factors that could account for increases the risk of CVD in diabetes. Abnormal status of B-group and antioxidant vitamins in diabetes may illustrate the benefits of these vitamins supplementation on modification of lipid profiles.
Methods: As a randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial, 110 type 2 diabetic patients were randomly assigned to one of the five treatment groups and received one of the following supplements per day for a period of 2 months: 1) B-group vitamins including B2 (10 mg), B6 (10mg), B12 (200µg) and Folate (1000µg) 2) B-group vitamins and vitamin E (100mg) 3) B-group vitamins and vitamin C (200mg) 4) B-group vitamins, vitamins E (100mg) and C (200mg) and 5) placebo. Fasting blood samples at the beginning and at the end of 2 months trial were collected and analyzed for cholesterol, triglyceride, apolipoproteins A1 and B (apo A1 & B), vitamin E, folate, vitamin B12 in serum and vitamin C in whole blood. Differences in baselines models. Covariates and changes in variables during study were adjusted by analysis of covariance using general linear.
Results: No significant changes were found in mean serum apolipoproteins levels after 2 months of supplementation. Vitamin E variation showed significant positive correlation with variation in apo A1 (P=0.003) and apo B (P<0.001). In multiple regression analysis, serum vitamin E levels were an independent and important predictor of serum apoA1 and B levels (P=0.002 and P<0.001, respectively). Serum vitamin B12 variation was important predictor of serum apo B levels (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Serum vitamin E level is a good predictor of serum apo A1 and B levels. Further increases in dose of vitamin supplements and intervention period are recommended for obtaining the desirable modifications.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2005/09/14 | Accepted: 2006/01/20 | Published: 2013/10/1

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