Volume 15, Issue 1 (6-2017)                   sjsph 2017, 15(1): 23-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Moradi A, Hosseini M, Moradi R. Prioritization of Deterrents to Women's Participation in Sport Activities in Alborz Province, Iran. sjsph 2017; 15 (1) :23-34
URL: http://sjsph.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5476-en.html
1- Ph.D. Professor, Department of Sport Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2- Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3- MSc. Student, Department of Sport Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran , Raziehmoradi63@gmail.com
Abstract:   (6055 Views)

Background and Aim: This study was conducted to identify deterrents to women's participation in sport activities in Alborz Province, Iran.  

Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive field study. The statistical population was all the working women in Alborz province, Iran, approximately 100000, from among whom a random sample of 384 was drawn based on Morgan table. A standard questionnaire designed with 31 5-choice items, whose reliability had been determined (Cronbach Alpha coefficient 90%), was used for gathering data. The deterrent factors for participation of the women in sports were determined in six areas, namely, cultural and social; economic; specialist manpower; family attitude; equipment and facilities; media and advertisement. The descriptive demographic data on the subjects (age, educational field, etc.) were first analyzed using the SPSS software, followed by nonparametric analysis using the Friedman and Kruskal- Wallis tests to prioritize questionnaire items as well as compare priorities in various age groups.

Results: Organizational life creates mental pressure, stress and tiredness in the work environment. Furthermore, women working in an organization are faced with restrictions in many areas, especially as regards participation in sport activities and programs. The resulting immobility among girls and women would mean physical and mental health deprivation, as well as unhappiness and low work efficiency, of an important segment of the society, which would lead to irreparable damage to the whole society.

Conclusion: Based on the findings it can be concluded that the most important deterrent factors for participation of working women in sport activities in Alborz Province are economic factors and equipment and facilities.  Family attitude was found to be the least important deterrent. 

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health
Received: 2017/06/13 | Accepted: 2017/06/13 | Published: 2017/06/13

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