Volume 8, Issue 3 (23 2010)                   sjsph 2010, 8(3): 37-46 | Back to browse issues page

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Mazaheri V, Holakouie Naieni K, Simani S, Yunesian M, Fayaz A, Mostafavi E et al . Geographical distribution of animal bite and rabies in the Caspian Sea littoral provinces during 2002-2007. sjsph 2010; 8 (3) :37-46
URL: http://sjsph.tums.ac.ir/article-1-76-en.html
Abstract:   (10358 Views)

Background and Aim: Rabies, a viral and zoonotic disease, causes acute and fetal encephalitis in humans and other mammals and is a cause of death in developing countries. It is usually transmitted by animal bite, but other routes of transmission are mucus membranes, breathing, placenta, contaminated instruments, and organ implanting. This study shows the mapping of geographical distribution of animal bite cases, rabies, and death due rabies in 3 Caspian Sea littoral provinces, namely, Golestan, Mazandaran, and Gilan.

Materials and Methods: Data on human and animal rabies cases and animal bites were collected from the Reference Rabies Center of the Pasteur Institute in Tehran and the Rabies Diagnosis Section of the Amol Research Center during 2002-2007.The data was analyzed by the SPSS (11.5) software and mapping was done by Arc GIS 9.2.

Results: During the 6-year period, of the 670,743 animal bite cases reported in Iran 63890 (9.5%) had occurred in Golestan, 25,767 (3.8%) in Mazandaran, and 22,874 (3.4%) in Gilan. The distribution of animal bite cases in the 3 provinces was as follows: Agh ghala, Bandar Torkaman, Azad shahr and Kolaleh in Golestan Galugah, Behshahr, Ramsar and Neka in Mazandaran and Shaft, Masal, Siahkal and Fuman in Gilan. The data also showed that of the total 2,312 animal rabies cases, in Iran, 9.22% had been reported from Golestan, 4% from Mazandaran, and 2.6% from Gilan. Furthermore, animal rabies cases had occurred mostly in Gonbadekavoos, Bandar Torkaman, Gorgan and Kolaleh in the Golestan Province Behshahr, Neka and Chalus in the Mazandaran Province and Masal, Fuman and Rezvanshahr in the Gilan Province. The most important disease vector (91.3%) for both human and animal rabies was the dog. A total of 41 human deaths due to rabies had been reported during the period, 2 being from Mazandaran.

Conclusion: The results show that a more effective disease control and surveillance system is essential and can help improve planning for service provision in the health care centers.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2010/05/3 | Accepted: 2010/09/21 | Published: 2013/08/9

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