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XML Predicting the Occurrence of Preterm Birth and Determining its Risk Factors Individually Using an Interpretable Machine Learning Model
Ramin Farrokhi, Samaneh Hosseinzadeh, Abbas Habibelahi, Akbar Biglarian *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Observations of the Years of Life Lost During COVID-19 Pandemic in Iran
Kiumarss Nasseri *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Direct and Indirect Estimation of the Prevalence of Waterpipe and Cigarette Smoking Among Adults in Arak: An Approach Based on Network Scale-up Method
Maryam Zamanian, Rahmatollah Moradzadeh *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluating the Effectiveness of the COVID-19 Vaccines on Infection Indicators and Severe Outcomes in Hamadan Province (2021-2022)
Fariba Zomorrodi Zare, Fatemeh Khosravi Shadmani, Roya Safari Faramani, Fatemeh Torkamanasadi, Yazdan Rezaei, Farid Najafi *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluating the Relationship between Lifestyle and COVID-19 Severity in Patients Admitted to Afzalipour Hospital, Kerman, Iran (2020-2021): A Case-Control Study
Ali Esmaeilpour, Parya Jangipour Afshar, Nouzar Nakhaee, Mehrdad Farrokhnia, AliAkbar Haghdoost *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Frequency of Eggs’ Antibiotic Residues in Iran: A Systematic Review
Aliasghar Fakhri-Demeshghieh, Hamideh Hasannejad, Alireza Bahonar *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Utilizing Machine Learning to Predict Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria
Monireh Rahimkhani *, Maryam Gilani
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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